Branding Cinderella – How March Madness Success Grows Small School Brands

For smaller universities and colleges, national exposure comes along very rarely (if ever), often as an invite into the exposure behemoth that is March Madness. This inclusion provides a seat at the table and in the tens millions of brackets printed, researched, debated, analyzed, filled out and monitored by people around the world. What better time to build your brand, especially if you are in the middle of a major rebrand and are looking to push your new name/logo forward into mainstream use?

Live Long and Prosper: The Secret to Brand Longevity

Everyone wants a brand that will live on for many years, basking in long-lasting success. But few brands actually reach old age, and those that do definitely have something going for them. Enduring and successful brands have long-ago identified how they can differentiate themselves from the competition, and put that quality (or qualities) as the centerpiece of their branding.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 3.4.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to the first March edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

3 Ways Building a Brand is Like Working with Legos (Plus 1 Way it’s Not)

Building a brand can produce the same sense of accomplishment as placing the final brick on that perfect Lego creation, and the creation processes included in both are very similar. Here are three ways brand building and brand strategy creation are like working with Legos, plus one important difference.

Why You Should Never Close the Story on Your Brand

"A great brand is a story that's never completely told." A great brand is one who never really reaches the end of their story – they are an ongoing manuscript, adding new pages as the world around them moves forward.

Getting the Thumbs Up: The Importance of Audience Buy-In for Your Brand

The immense amount of background behind a perfect brand strategy and brand implementation must be pared down into bite-sized pieces for consumption, with the hope that these “brand nuggets” will tell the brand story in a way that the audience buys into your brand as a whole. But what you say doesn’t have any impact unless it aligns with how it makes your audience feel.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 2.19.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to the first February edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

7 Tips for Making Your Logo the Crown Jewel of Your Brand

As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. For brands, that first impression often comes when the audience initially sees its logo. Without a strong visual brand representation, any following movement toward branding success can be doomed to be an uphill climb. So to help nail down a successful first impression, here are 7 tips to ensuring that your logo lives up to its place as the crown jewel of your brand’s image.

Addison Whitney Brand Fanatics Recap and Analyze Brand Impacts from Super Bowl Ads

The Super Bowl. Not only the biggest football game of the year, it’s also the biggest game in the advertising world. Many millions of dollars are spent on the annual event, which puts even more pressure on the created ads to push the needle for their brands. And with a night full of high-profile brand decisions, we knew that time needed to be spent analyzing the commercials and the brands behind them – so on the Monday following the big game, our Addison Whitney brand fanatics gathered to do just that.

Long Term vs. Short Term Benefits of Rebranding

If the current visual brand is holding a company back from reaching its full potential, introducing a new direction (and absorbing the initial financial cost that comes with it) may be well worth it. Regardless of the brand, consistency across the board is a vital component. Without it, much like the current state of highway signs, you may find yourself neither here nor there.

How to Keep your Brand Update from Falling Short

T he real purpose of a brand refresh or rebrand can get lost without a strong change factor to back it up. Your new brand elements and your brand story must align, or else it can seem like your big brand announcement is much ado about nothing.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 1.29.16

Welcome to another edition of AW in Review! This is our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts! Don’t forget, you can also stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels. Enjoy!

Building Your Branding Road Map – The Importance of Finding Your Brand Niche

Chances are, there’s an audience out there who will connect with your brand. But if the brand strategy is either intentionally or unintentionally oblivious of this audience, their efforts to try and settle outside of their ideal spot on the market will be met with failure.

Branding Lessons from Brand Giants

In a recent article, brand and marketing specialist Alessandra Ghini shared a pair of branding lessons she learned during her time with both Starbucks and Apple, two of the leading brands on the marketplace today. They provide both insight and a hint of explanation to the successes of these brands.

Keeping your Brand Consistently Consistent

Brand consistency is exactly what it implies – constant and unchanging branding throughout your brand’s reach. Your brand can be top of the line, but if nobody knows exactly what it is or how it looks/sounds, then your efforts to promote the brand are facing an uphill battle. Getting your brand in front of your crucial audiences is the only way to continue to grow, and guaranteeing that each exposure reinforces the single brand is the best way to do this. Consistent branding encompasses and is driven by all other brand building efforts, and holds a vital place in the success of your brand.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 1.15.16

Welcome to the first “AW in Review“ of December! This is our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts! Don’t forget, you can also stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels. Enjoy!

Can New Visual Branding Strategies Make McDonald’s a “Modern, Progressive Burger Company”?

“Modern” and “progressive” may not be the first words you would associate with fast food titan McDonald’s, but company leadership is working to change that. Enter the latest packaging revamp, which will roll out during the course of 2016 and is intended to work hand-in-hand with restaurant design, digital marketing and other brand conduits to establish McDonald’s as “a modern, progressive burger company.”

Welcome to Brands We Love Week 2015!

Welcome to the second edition of Brands We Love Week! All week, we will be revealing what brands our resident brand fanatics thought stood out this year. Whether it was because of something they did, or a great experience they had with a brand, Brands We Love Week is a chance to tell our favorite brand stories! Additionally, we want to hear who you'd add to the list! Let us know what brands you loved in 2015, using the hashtag ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬.

Addison Whitney Volunteers with Operation Christmas Child 2015

This past week, members of the Addison Whitney Charlotte office, as a part of the "AW Helping Hands" philanthropy efforts, volunteered their time with Operation Christmas Child, helping sort, inspect, pack and ship thousands of shoe boxes filled with toys and gifts for children in need around the world.

Addison Whitney President Brannon Cashion Featured in “Brand Slam” Article in Latest PM360 Magazine

Addison Whitney’s Global President Brannon Cashion is featured in the December edition of PM360 Magazine, with the final 2015 edition of his of his series of "Brand Slam" articles. This month’s edition of the “Brand Slam” article series is titled “Seize the Innovative Moments - Branding Today”