“Back to the Future” Branding

Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a look back. To look back at the best of what you have been in order to ensure the best that you will be. For brands, this rings especially true when working through a rebrand or a brand refresh.

How Your Brand Can Connect With Your Audience

Connecting with your audience goes beyond logos and naming – it taps into creating a brand that has true, identifiable characteristics. People can’t tie their emotional purchasing to colors and words, but they can tie them to things that connect with who they are – or, who they’d like to be.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 9.25.15

Welcome to another edition of “AW in Review“, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts! Don’t forget, you can also stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels. Enjoy!

Don’t Just Be a Brand – Live Your Brand

“Your Entire Company Should be Considered Your Branding Department.” It is one thing to “be” a brand, with a solid brand foundation built on the principles to which your brand stands, but to “live” the brand is how you truly spread the brand strategy to its fullest extent.

AW Spotlight – Meet our Newest Team Members!

This special edition of AW Spotlight features three of the newest members of the AW team - Account Director Michael Ryan, Project Manager Kathryn Pearce and Senior Graphic Designer Dave Disxon. All three joined Addison Whitney recently and have been very welcome additions to the company and to our Charlotte office!

Are We Nearing the End of the iPhone Brand?

The recognition for the Apple iPhone brand is what poses our question. - Will the iPhone brand live forever? Or will it be replaced by an updated brand by Apple – an “ApplePhone” or something of the like?

AW in Review: Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 9.11.15

Welcome to another edition of “AW in Review“, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts! Don’t forget, you can also stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels. Enjoy!

College Football’s Top 5 Brands

College football is a big-time player in the American sports scene, with billions of dollars spent and millions of fans heading to the stadium each weekend. With this enormous influence in our sports culture comes the emergence once again of brands who rival the biggest corporations in the world in terms of their brand equity. Here are the five college football brands who are tops among the rest.

4 Ways Content Marketing Can Help Build Your Brand

Content marketing and branding should go hand-in-hand. However, there is often a disconnect between a brand strategy and the strategy around content creation. How can we bridge the gap between the two? Here are four ways content marketing can help build your brand.

Brands Find Ways to Reinvent Themselves for Foreign Markets

There’s always been a mystery associated with foreign brands, but some have found ways to use their homegrown origins to give themselves a completely different brand image in foreign countries.

AW in Review: Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 8.28.15

Welcome to another edition of “AW in Review“, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts! Don’t forget, you can also stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels. Enjoy!

4 Ways Brands Can Top the Class in Back-to-School Branding

The days are getting shorter, there’s a chill in the air (at least for some of us) and football is back on the TV. That can mean one thing – be ready for the return of school buses during your morning commute and a flood of back-to-school ads coming your way. So, sharpen your pencils - here are four examples of how various brands can get an A+ in back-to-school branding.

car key, sharing, brand

Gaining Brand Trust in a Share Economy

The success of the share economy lies in how its brands cultivate trust. These brands focus their efforts on making consumers feel that they are interacting with people they can get to know, even if it is through the relative anonymity of the Internet.

Luxury Brands Leading the Way in Social Media Branding

Brands are taking full advantage of the benefits in engaging with their audience on social media, and these efforts are led by a number of luxury brands, according to a recent report by Shareablee, a social analytics company.

New Traditions: The Trend of “Southern” Brands

Popular brands like Southern Proper, Southern Tide and Southern Marsh market themselves with a combination of a sense of heritage and a distinctly southern character to appeal to the collegiate and young professional market. This strategy has proven extremely successful, and these brands have become ubiquitous on college campuses and in post-grad life throughout the southeast.

AW in Review: Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 8.14.15

Welcome to another edition of "AW in Review", our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts! We have a number of new authors contributing to this week's review - enjoy!

Google’s New Alphabet

This week, Google announced that it will make another step forward. For the first time, Google will be under the umbrella of another brand. The overarching parent role previously held by the Google brand is being transitioned to a newly created brand called Alphabet, a reference to all of the companies within it being “the letters” in the greater structure. This change is coming for one big reason: the founders of Google, now CEO and President of Alphabet, understand the value of brand architecture.

burberry trench coat

Find Your Trench Coat: Branding Success and Focusing on What You Do Best

A great brand usually begins with one thing it does very well. Louis Vuitton’s specialty is luggage. Christian Louboutin’s is shoes. Burberry’s had been the trench coat. However, often when a company achieves success, it begins to feel as if it can do anything and forgets what had made it so successful in the first place.

Morveau Watches

Behind the Brand: How Morveau Watches Built its Brand

All brands, big or small, all have a starting point. When Luke Francis decided to build a company based on an innovative watch idea, he knew brand needed to be a strong asset in order to compete. He was entering a category flooded with mega-brands like Rolex, Fossil, Timex and thousands of others at the luxury, mid-market and economy levels, so he had his work cut out for him.

Content is King: Brands See Benefits of Quality Content Creation

For brands, having a strong and prominent presence online is a vital aspect for success in today’s digitally-driven age. Consumers are spending more time online and more time researching their purchases, therefore raising consumer awareness to an all-time high.