Evolution, with a Purpose: How the Top Brands Stay Relevant in an Ever-Changing Market

In a recent piece for The Huffington Post Australia, author Luke Cooper asked the question, “Why would a soft drink company require a chief design officer?” The answer lies in how brands present themselves to their consumers. As the wishes of consumers shift, brands must also shift how their strategies are developed and how they represent themselves. This trend goes beyond brand strategy; in fact, it leans heavily on visual branding to communicate the brand story.

AW Spotlight: Meet the 2016 Addison Whitney Summer Interns!

Every summer, Addison Whitney welcomes an outstanding group of college students into the office as our summer interns! This year, our class consists of four interns representing three schools from around the area – these four will be working in the marketing, brand strategy, market research and verbal branding departments, and we are excited to have them on board this summer! Now, let’s learn a little more about the AW summer 2016 intern class!

3 Things to Consider when Taking Your Brand Name Global

Most organizations are looking for their brand to grow throughout its lifetime, and for some, that anticipated (and hoped for) growth includes expanding outside of their home region or country. However, this growth can come with a downside for the brand if certain aspects, specifically the brand name, aren’t suited to travel. Everything is going well – the brand is growing, new markets are identified, the stage is set for an initial foray into the global market – until the brand name falls flat once it leaves the home market. So how does a brand ensure its success both locally and globally? Here are three areas of consideration to take into account when creating a brand name that will be used on a global scale...

Living the Brand: How to Build a Strong Brand Persona

Why do we gravitate towards certain brands while actively avoiding others? What is causing the rise in “lifestyle” branding? When does a brand become something more than just a brand? The answers to these questions could be the basis for an entire blog series, but for this one, we are going to focus on the common theme that runs throughout all of the answers: creating a brand that connects with your audience.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 5.13.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to our initial May edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

Stick With What You Know: How to Achieve a Successful Brand Extension

When looking to expand a brand’s influence by introducing new products in different product categories, brand extensions can be a risky move. It’s been said before on this very blog that when it comes to brand decisions, there’s no need to recreate the wheel. Sometimes, the brand extension that makes the most sense, or the one that comes to mind first, is there for a reason – it’s the best choice.

5 Ways to Begin Your Branding Before You Begin Your Branding

Sometimes, the work done prior to the project is just as important as the work done during. This same idea is in play during the branding process. Jumping right into a new brand development or a rebrand is akin to jumping in a pool before finding out how deep it is. Those brands who begin their branding journey by following these five steps ensure they’re starting off on the right foot.

Looking toward the Branding Future with an Eye on the Past

It’s a common misconception that a “rebrand” automatically means a brand new start – that when a rebrand occurs, the slate must be wiped clean and all subsequent branding elements must possess totally original characteristics. In fact, the best rebrands take the opposite approach. They take the time beforehand to identify and research what brand aspects of the previous iteration carry the most weight and provide the most benefit, then find ways to incorporate or pay homage to these aspects in the new brand.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 4.28.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to one final April edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

Don’t Reinvent the Branding Wheel

Innovative. Transcendent. Groundbreaking. Many brands would love to be associated with these characteristics, or at least have the words used as descriptions of their brands. But for some, this may not necessarily be a good thing. As discussed in a recent study from York University in Toronto, finding the right balance of when and how much to update the brand is crucial to brands, especially those who are seen as “sincere” and whose brand perception does not include a propensity for change.

The Science of Logo Design: How Much Can a Logo Impact A Brand?

While certain luxury or niche brands may embrace the concept of exclusivity, where does that leave companies and organizations that pride themselves on being open, helpful and friendly? The idea of forgoing a logo isn’t realistic, particularly when standing out in a crowded marketplace is a basic requirement for success. Is it possible to convey both competence and warmth in a logo? Unity and inclusion? Strength and kindness?

Why We Love Branding (And You Should, Too!)

At Addison Whitney, we've always identified with the term "brand fanatics" when it comes to our people. This makes sense - it's what we do. We have a passion for creating and building strong brands, and when we're not doing that, we love to analyze, brainstorm and gather new information about branding. But why does branding hold a place among our favorites? We asked a few brand fanatics this very question: Why do you love branding?

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 4.15.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to mid-month April edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

The Importance of Branding on a Community

Institutions in which the branding includes a place name often include this perspective in their branding efforts. Communities are built on commonality, and place-focused brands provide that on a large scale. The most prominent examples of these are sports franchises, where the name is front and center and which serve as a uniting force for their home bases.

The Masters: A Brand Unlike Any Other

The calendar has turned to April, and (for some of us) spring has arrived. In the sports world, this is the time when all eyes are turned to Augusta, Georgia for the annual rite of spring and one of the most famous sporting events in the world: the Masters. In the immortal (and trademarked) words of longtime broadcaster Jim Nance, the tournament is “A tradition unlike any other.” From a branding standpoint, this holds true as well. The Masters’ brand strength is the foundation of much of its notoriety and prestige.

Keeping the “Brand” in “Brand Name”

Creating a brand name is an integral part of any branding effort, since the end result will become one of the most visible and widely used aspects of a brand. But its place of importance should not lead to a misguided sense of separation in the development process, where the name is created in a vacuum, far removed from the various brand elements that will surround and support it.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 4.1.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to a kick-off to April edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

Why Successfully Building a Brand Starts with Shutting Out the Noise

There are many aspects that go into developing and establishing a successful brand. But they really have nothing to do with it. That may sound confusing and close to oxymoronic, but it’s true. One of the best moves a brand-building organization can take is to forget all of the substance that goes into building a brand. Once the auxiliary noise is quieted, then finding the perfect note to start the song becomes significantly easier.

How Important is an Easily Pronounced Brand Name? [Infographic]

We all know them. The brands where the name has sounded one way as long as you can remember until one day, you are blindsided by the suggestion of a different pronunciation of the same brand. In this infographic from Made by Oomph! examines some of these famous brand names who wear the mark of commonly mispronounced. Whether it be the incorrect dropping of a vowel or the addition of an extra syllable, these brands have been fighting the pronunciation battle for years, which varying levels of success.

5 Ways to Ease Social Media Branding Worries

The question whether or not to have a presence on at least one social media platform has become an easy one for brands – without any social media existence, a brand will be left out of one of the fastest-growing and increasingly vital aspect of a branding experience. But now that it’s rightfully assumed that your brand will be a player in the social space, it’s also rightfully assumed there will be some trepidation. Here are five key points to include in your plan to help ease the worries when taking your brand into the social media realm: