How Brands Can Bring their Values to Life Every Day

Brands today are increasingly influenced more to ensure that each and every aspect of their brand – from their logo and name to their employees and customer touch points – fit within a well-defined ethos, putting more value on these brand values and increasing their influence on the brand’s development and post-launch actions. But how can brands ensure that they have the necessary ingredients to bring their values to life every day?

Brains Behind the Brands with Brittany Scott, Creative Director

We’re excited to introduce a new Brand Salsa series, “Brains Behind the Brands,” In each edition of the series, we will be shining the spotlight on one of our brand experts and getting their thoughts on a range of topics, from new trends in the branding industry to advice they’d give someone working on building their brand.

Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks – Why Branding Isn’t Just for New Businesses

Just because you’re an older organization that came to fruition before strategic brand building was commonplace doesn’t mean you’ve missed the boat. If your brand needs a refresh or a restart, don’t feel as if the latest and greatest branding techniques are only left to the upstarts and newcomers. Let’s explore three reasons why branding is important for the established organizations in the business world.

How We Answer the Question: “Why Branding?”

Creating and growing any business is a process that can take large amounts of time and energy to achieve – that’s a given. So why not spend some of that time and energy to create something that will work for you even after it is launched? It’s a question we hear all of the time – “why do I need to create a brand? Why branding?” To me, the best way to answer this question is with a new question “What is branding?”

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 3.24.17

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to our "spring is here" edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

How Do You Know If You’ve Achieved True Brand Loyalty?

True brand loyalty supersedes these traditional purchase drivers, revealing itself as a force upon the consumer to which typical purchase-driving factors do not apply. How can you really know if you’ve achieved brand loyalty? Here are three indicators.

March Madness: When Even the Floor is Branded

There's one branded element that may hold the title as the most watched and most overlooked branding of the entire event – the actual floors on which the games are played. Yes, March Madness branding is so all-encompassing that even the very playing surfaces are incorporated into the overall brand profile and given a high level of attention to ensure they are both brand compliant but also provide their own unique addition to the visual branding.

The Key to Ensuring Smooth Sailing When Creating Your Brand

There you are. Right in the middle of building your brand, and things couldn’t be going any better. It’s been smooth sailing the whole time – you have created a name that you love, your visual brand development process has produced logos, color palates and collateral that are aesthetically appealing and have you sure they are on the fast track to iconic status. But don’t start printing the “best new brand” certificates quite yet.

Welcome to Brands We Love Week 2016!

Welcome to the third annual edition of Brands We Love Week! All week, we will be revealing what brands our resident brand fanatics thought stood out this year. Whether it was because of something they did, or a great experience they had with a brand, Brands We Love Week is a chance to tell our favorite brand stories! Additionally, we want to hear who you'd add to the list! Let us know what brands you loved in 2016, using the hashtag ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬.

Three Questions to Ask When Determining Your Pharma Brand Name Strategy

By understanding the general buckets of naming strategies and the scenarios in which these types of names thrive, pharmaceutical companies can hone their naming strategy. At the same time, these teams can hedge their risk by including options from different strategies, specifically blank canvas, to avoid the need to start over. When looking into a naming strategy for your product here are a few questions to consider.

Action over Activity – 5 Ways to Efficiently Develop Your Brand

Developing a brand is not a knee-jerk process; moving too quickly and looking to take shortcuts will produce a brand that is incomplete and behind the game even before its launch. However, the amount of time spent on the brand development is not alone enough to ensure whether it will find success. No, it doesn’t matter as much HOW much time you spend, but WHAT you do in that time. The old business adage, “action always trumps activity” can also be applied to branding. Monitoring and making sure that your brand development is heavy on the action and light on activity, you can point the brand in the direction of efficiency from the very beginning. Here are a few ways to ensure this happens:

Becoming a Tradition-Synonymous Brand

Over the years, brands have attached themselves to and eventually become synonymous with a holiday tradition. They’ve reached outside of their usual consumer audience and established brand equity with a portion of the marketplace with little to no brand knowledge outside of the name association. In doing so, they did something no advertising or marketing campaign could do – they became connected to tradition.

Risk vs. Reward in Pharmaceutical Brand Naming

When developing a pharmaceutical brand name, there are two main paths you can take - either choose a name that is "safe" and has a good chance at regulatory approval, or to take the more "risky" route, with a name that might have a more difficult time getting approved but is sure to stand out in the marketplace. So, which one is best for your brand naming strategy?

4 Characteristics of Leaders that Help Build Strong Brands

As with most aspects of business, a successful branding effort starts at the top. The brand must be developed in such a way and with an end product that provides for easy and full buy-in from leadership across the organization. But what is often overlooked is how the characteristics of the brand are not the only factors involved in leadership’s role with the brand. Leaders who wish to preside over successful brands must also possess certain characteristics in order to utilize their role in the organization to the fullest extent when dealing with the brand.

How to Boldy Go Where Your Brand has Not Gone Before

To brands looking to find new areas in which they can establish a presence – find your unique. Find how your brand makes consumers feel, experience, think, etc. – whatever makes you stand out.

Oh The Places Your Logo Will Go: Unexpected Mediums that Must be Considered in Visual Branding

When working through the visual branding process, especially in logo design, there are a few obvious places the logo will need to be displayed, such as office signage, business cards and websites/social media platforms. But it’s not enough to simply perform in the usual logo locations - in today’s increasingly diverse mediums in which logos will be deployed, logos must perform as they are needed, no matter the new and unexpected places they might be found.

AW in Review – Addison Whitney Brand Salsa Recap 10.21.16

Miss any of our great brand salsa blogs lately? Not to worry - welcome to our almost-Halloween edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

Why You Should Keep the Focus in Your Brand Development

When it comes to brand building, this constant starting over and relying on chance-based efforts take up time and money, two crucial components to successfully build and create a brand. On the contrary, a focused, targeted and well-strategized brand building campaign will yield results at a much higher rate, and will provide the necessary data of what works and what doesn’t works to help build the road map moving forward.

Age is Just a Number: 5 Ways Established Brands Can Stay Young

There are few things worse for a company’s image than to be seen as one that believes they can connect with today’s consumers, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. So how do you ensure that your brand takes the right path to stay relevant and modern? Here are five ways that established brands can prove that age is just a number...

The Big Transition: What to Do with Your Brand Following a Merger or Acquisition

Far too often a brand strategy is overlooked in the M&A process, or brought to the table too late to have an impact in anything except final implementation. Whenever it happens, it is important to develop a communication plan that addresses both internal and external audiences. This plan should break down the individual audiences in detail and outline what they should know and when, including the appropriate verbal and visual brand implementation for each instance.