Employee Feature: Kristin Everidge

Krisin Everidge
Name: Kristin Everidge
Job & Company: Manager, Visual Branding for Addison Whitney
On a road trip, my staple convenience store purchase is: FUNYUNS, Cheerwine and Chewy SweetTarts. I limit myself to only eating these less than nutritious items when I am on the road.

Employee Feature: Ninh Nguyen

Ninh Nguyen
Your Name: Ninh "Wes" Nguyen

Your Job: Manager of Sales Operations - I manage the daily reporting requirements for being a part of a publicly traded firm. I am also responsible for all sales activities from hiring to strategic sales marketing activities.

On a road trip, my staple convenience store purchase is: Pepperoni Pizza Cracker Combos / BBQ Pringles and Cherry Icee

If I could have a super power, it would be: reading any book I come across in one second and fully comprehend the full meaning

Big Mac or Whopper?: Big Mac All The Way