Becky, we salute you!
In case you forgot that today was Administrative Professionals Day, run out quick and grab some flowers, candy or a gift card for the individual who really sits at command central for most companies. Today we give a great big shout out to AW’s own Becky Leonard, a U.S. Marine Veteran and our current go-to gal for everything from toner to coffee to learning how to use the fax machine for the 20th time. Becky’s commitment to this company and the individuals who work here is inspiring, even if we don’t say it every time we grab a Twix bar from the candy bowl up front.
To show just how much she means to us, we asked the employees of Addison Whitney to write one word (ok, maybe a couple of words) that defines Becky. It’s easy to see the kind of person that she is. Thanks Becky, for all you do!!
Employee Feature: Becky Leonard
brand salsa is pleased to feature some of our finest … each week we’ll randomly select an inVentiv employee to showcase on the blog. Wanna get your mug online? Just shoot me an email and I’ll tell you how much … I mean, how.
Name: Becky Leonard
Job Title and Company:Try and make each person I come in contact with feel like they matter on this planet! {Receptionist at Addison Whitney}
1. "On a road trip, my staple convenience store purchase is": BBQ Corn Nuts
2. "What's playing in my iPod right now": Howard Stern
3. "Big Mac or Whopper?": No to both, Now a plain double cheese burger would be the ticket! (Hate mayo onions, etc.)