Be a Light to the Village

For our December Helping Hands event, AW chose to sponsor the Christmas Village Toy Store at the request of one of our visual designers. It is a suggestion that many AW employees embraced, as the excitement of children at Christmas far outweighs our own as adults.

The inspiration came in 2006 for The Christmas Village Toy Store, a collaborative effort among several area churches that is designed to empower and develop at-risk urban communities in Charlotte. The store itself preserves and promotes joy and dignity at Christmas by engaging a free market system, allowing shoppers to pay a discounted price for desired items rather than be forced to accept “charity.”

Both those who donate toys or volunteer their time and shoppers who purchase toys contribute to store profits that are reinvested into the local community through educational grants and scholarships. Because of this, even the shoppers at the Toy Store are “paying it forward” into their own communities.

Addison Whitney was able to donate several boxes and bags full of toys for children ranging in age from infant to teenager. There were dolls, mp3 players, blocks, books, bath accessories and much more. In addition to donating toys, several employees, along with their friends or spouses, volunteered their time to helping the Toy Store prepare and run the shopping events. We were represented as toy pricers and parking lot attendants.

We would like to say thank you to Warehouse 242 and the other Charlotte-area churches who are part of the Christmas Village Toy Store for allowing us the opportunity to give to such an amazing organization. We look forward to being part of the initiative in the future, whether as individuals or as a company.

24 Hours of Booty

Booty 2

This weekend, more than 1,200 cyclists converged on Charlotte for 24 Hours of Booty. For 24 hours, cyclists rode a nearly three mile loop around the Myers Park neighborhood in a sign of unity against all types of cancer. This annual event raises money for cancer research and survivorship. This year, participants raised more than $1 million!

Addison Whitney’s own Verbal Branding Coordinator Jenna Wise took part in the ride as part of Team Gita. Volunteerism is a large part of the Addison Whitney culture so seven members of our team, along with a few spouses, signed up to help out.

Some people may think of volunteering as something you’re giving an organization, but I’m always amazed at how much I get back from volunteering a few hours of my time. This event was incredibly inspiring. The race began as cancer survivors rode off after an emotional send-off. And then an army of cyclists, some riding in memory of those they’d lost to cancer, and others simply devoted to helping others took off – all 1,200 of them.

This event isn’t about how many laps you’ll ride, it’s about why you ride. The best part of my night was then a father and daughter came over to chat. The young girl proudly told me she was riding for her mom who was a survivor. That’s why you ride.