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PepsiCo’s Frito-Lay brand, Doritos, might be on to something. With air time alone costing approximately $3million for a 30 second spot, who has the money to pay an advertising agency to make the actual commercial?

History: For the third year in a row now, Doritos has launched their “Crash the Super Bowl” contest in which regular people are able to submit homemade Doritos commercials to win a top prize of being featured during the Super Bowl. Most of the commercials from the past two years can be seen on You Tube and they are definitely worth watching.

Offensive Strategy: To encourage amateur commercial makers to enter the contest, this year’s winner could even have the chance to win $1million if their ad becomes the first-ever consumer-created commercial to claim the No. 1 ranking in USA Today’s annual Ad Meter.

Game Plan: Visit here to see the top 5 finalists and vote for your favorite. Watch the Super Bowl to see if your favorite wins!

By: Jessica McGrail