Liposuction: the removal of fat from deposits beneath the skin using a hollow stainless steel tube (called a cannula) with the assistance of a powerful vacuum. Umm, no thanks.

Mommy makeover: a cosmetic procedure to help moms regain their youthful, confident, self-assured figures after pregnancy. Wait a minute … that might apply to me …

A good brand has the power to persuade, and that’s what the “Mommy Makeover” does. It’s probably inaccurate to call it a brand, as many surgical centers around the country are now using this as more of a generic term for the three included procedures: tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and liposuction / body sculpting. (Facial rejuvenation is also sometimes included). According to, more than 325,000 tummy tuck, breast augmentation and breast lift procedures were performed on women ages 20-39 in 2006 … that’s more than five times higher than the growth of overall cosmetic plastic surgery procedures during the same time period. Coincidence? Hardly.

The repackaging, and subsequently, rebranding of this combination of cosmetic surgery options referred to as the “Mommy Makeover” is so much more appealing than having plastic surgery. Use of the emotionally-driven word “mommy” repositions these services into a “do it because you’ve earned it” mentality, versus a “do it because I’m older / vain / keeping up with Sally” frame of mind. Tugging on the emotional heartstrings of women who have just given birth, or those who have spent years running after the kids, “mommy” is familiar, approachable, and friendly. And with so many “makeover” shows and events in our culture and media, the pairing of these two words is timely and familiar to the target audience.

So, nice job plastic surgery industry . . . and what’s next? Personally, I’d like to see some packages for “after the college years … finally lose the freshman 15.” How about “The Dean’s Lift”. . .