

Putt-Putt, why do they name it twice? If the answer is because of how many times you have to hit it to make it in, then in my case, it would be called “Putt, putt, putt, putt, putt…”

Earlier this month, my department took a field trip. This is a new thing for us: a fun, creative voyage that we plan once a month to refuel our creativity by surrounding ourselves with inspiring environments. Our first outing…Putt-Putt. The scenery set the perfect stage to rouse our over-pared creative energy. It was a perfect spring-like day, the birds were chirping, kids playing in the distance, the sound of streaming waterfalls, and us, six women with dreams of being the Tiger Woods of miniature golf.

Of course, in typical Addison Whitney fashion, we had to name our teams. Amy, Maghan and myself were “Club’em and Leave’em,” while Laurie, Jessica and Paula were “Who’s Your Caddy?” Now, I didn’t say we were classy golfers, but this was going to be a perfect match: six women, clubs in hand, lined up on the green, we had that look of competition in our eyes. Don’t let us fool you; yes we may have looked like amateurs, (except me and Jessica in our yoga pants, that’s another story), but we had really good intentions of driving it home with our strategy and athletic intellect.

Jessica, though slow to start, really took the game to heart; she sweated and toiled and gave it her all. It was a close match with Paula’s domineering stroke and Laurie’s passionate swing. Amy cheered us all on enthusiastically, and despite our ball-battles with the wind, it was Maghan who carried my team through the back nine and led Club’em and Leave’em to a proud victory. The greens will never be the same; the bogies (sorry, had to use that word) remaining behind can only be left teed-off. What will it be next? Bumper cars, a game of basketball, or a pickle-eating contest? The possibilities are endless…

By: Kelly Wilson