There are many websites out there that help us find the things we are interested in such as Google and Stumble Upon, but recently there has been a growing interest in organizing these likes and interests on one platform. And that’s where Pinterest comes in, and as it grows in popularity more than just its individual users are reaping its rewards. Brands too can benefit from Pinterest, as it has become an innovative way to share information, ideas, and more importantly products, and brands.

According to its’ website, Pinterest “lets you organize all the beautiful things you find on the web.” Pinterest is made up of many different boards, which have an overlying topic such as “Recipes” and “Fashion.” Each user’s board acts as a virtual pin board, where they can pin pictures, articles, or anything of interest from the web or uploaded from their computer. Users are using their boards for everything from redesigning a bedroom, to planning a wedding, to making a collage of favorite fashion designs.

Pinterest has become an innovative way for businesses to get their name and products out there. Because it allows users to share and gain information with ease, it makes the spread of ideas and information easier than ever. If a business has a product pinned on a very popular board, other users are likely to see the pin and click it which will take them to the business’ website. For example, if you see a pair of Nike tennis shoes pinned to a “Shoes” board and want to buy them, all you have to do is click the picture and you will be taken to the website where they can be purchased. Unlike Facebook, Pinterest does not have the option to create a corporate account, which can actually help a brand. With no corporate accounts, brands are not able to pin their own products, so customers must pin them instead. Customers pinning about a brand’s products instead of the brand pinning about its own products may be more effective. Customers tend to listen to and trust fellow customers more than a large brand. If they see a product they like that another user has pinned they will probably be more likely to purchase it because it is being promoted by another person like them, not a large brand. Pinterest is a new branch of social media that brands should take advantage of. Brands can capitalize on Pinterest by encouraging customers to pin products they like, which shares the product with the millions of people on Pinterest and is free marketing. Many brands may discover that they gain a great amount of recognition and business by letting the customers do some of the promoting.

Contributed by Keena Classen