It seems like every time I turn on the news lately there is someone telling me to stop eating something or to return my favorite toy.

Yep, you guessed it. I’m talking about recalls, and the ones that tend to cause the most uproar seem to deal with food and drug products. This is completely understandable considering the health risks involved. I tend to get a bit more nervous when I’m told that there’s a chance my ketchup could kill me versus the risk that a defective toy gun may pinch my finger. If learning about interesting recalls

throughout history tickles your fancy, learn more here.

So who’s to blame for consumers’ lives being at risk when it comes to consumption? Well, with the recent recall on peanut butter, fingers are pointed in every direction. If you’ve missed out on the news lately, let me quickly fill you in. It’s been confirmed that the Georgia processing plant of the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) is responsible for the recent Salmonella outbreak. Researchers have discovered that the outbreak is due to the plant not adhering to mandated cleaning programs and procedures as well as failing to take the steps necessary to eliminate the Salmonella contamination. With a total of 6 deaths so far, and hundreds of people sick, both consumers and health advocates are fuming.

With any recall, I always wonder if the crisis could have been prevented, and, if so, why wasn’t it? In this case, is it PCA’s fault for not regulating the cleanliness of its plants, or is it the FDA’s fault for not finding the issue through regulatory inspections? It’s a tough call, and it seems like now, more than ever, people want answers. I’m very curious to see if there will soon be some new guidelines and measurements taken to prevent this from happening as often as it does. What are your thoughts? Feel free to check out the recent updates on the crisis.

Contributed by: Ashley Hollingsworth