
Astroturf, wasabi, the loaf of bread you left unattended for a month . . . it seems like everything is green these days. Environmentalism is here to stay, and organizations worldwide are taking strides to adopt eco-friendly policies.

Who says peer pressure is a bad thing?

1. PAPER: Nearly 40% of municipal waste is paper products, with offices alone going through an average of 10,000 sheets of copy paper per person each year.

• Let’s get the most out of paper before we chuck it
• Whenever possible, print/copy documents on both sides; if you’ve printed on one side, put the paper in a scrap bin for re-use
• Think before you print! And encourage others to do the same by adding this message to outgoing emails: P Please consider the environment before printing this email

2. RECYCLING: Our building in Charlotte uses mixed-waste collection, which means recyclables are not separated from refuse until they reach a facility. Although the service ensures 100% participation in a recycling program, paper products are at high risk for contamination.

• Be mindful of mixing: Keep a few bins that are for paper products only. Don’t throw that cup of water in the trashcan by the printer.
• And what are you doing with a disposable cup anyway?! Try to reduce waste in general. Bring reusable dishes and utensils to work.
• If you have the opportunity to bring products to a pre-sorted site, do so.

3. TRAVEL: Cars and planes pollute. Air travel in particular accounts for 3-5% of carbon emissions and is one of the fastest growing causes of global warming.

• Use video/phone conferencing when available
• Buy carbon offsets for business travel
• Carpool to work/lunch

4. BUY GREEN: There are plenty of opportunities to purchase recycled goods. Check out the following websites, and stay posted for more tips.

• www.thegreenoffice.com
• www.greenearthofficesupply.com
• www.greenseal.org

So how are you keeping it green?

Contributed by: Maghan Cook