My Phone is Smarter Than Me
Cue the hallelujah chorus--I finally got a new cell phone. I’ve been happy with the LG Fusic for two years. It doubles as an MP3 player, but I have never once utilized that particular function. Like some sort of Christmas miracle, Sprint® gave me credits to upgrade my phone. I am somewhat of a risk taker. So at the news of my upgrade opportunity, I jumped off of a cliff and onto the smart phone bandwagon.

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The Mojave Experiment

I recently saw a commercial where “real people, not actors” were giving testimonials about software they had just used. The reviews were glowing, particularly regarding a functionality that allowed people to form continuous panoramic images with individual pics. The commercial then cut to a screen that said: “Learn more about Windows Live PhotoGallery at And then to another that simply displayed the Windows Vista logo.

Curious, I checked out the site.

“What do people think of Windows Vista when they don't know it's Windows Vista?” it asks, offering you videos upon videos of an experiment that ‘tricked’ users into taking the operating system for a test drive. The goal: potential customers see the positive reactions Vista received in the experiment,
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Wee Wars

The Wiimote is a popular nickname for the remote control used in the goliath gaming system, Nintendo Wii.

The Weemote is a remote control for kids, trademarked by Fobis Technologies in 2000.

How can these two products coexist in such a similar field? Time magazine recently published an interesting article about the situation. The catch is that the Nintendo Wiimote name is not trademarked, or explicitly used in marketing or packaging campaigns but, rather, has come to popularity through online and third party communications.

While Nintendo is enjoying a free marketing ride thanks to internet chatter, Fobis is in a bind. "Wiimote" has become part of mainstream gaming vernacular, and the Weemote brand has been severely diluted as a result. A small company, Fobis does not have the time or resources to patrol all third party Wiimote buzz to protect their trademark. Offers to sell the Weemote name to Nintendo have also been rejected.

The article raises many questions about intellectual property and trademark protection in the age of the internet. At what point does buzz become infringement? And how can small companies protect their trademarks in these situations?

How do you think the issue should be resolved?

Contributed by: Maghan Cook

Father's Day Gifts

In search of the perfect Father’s Day gift, I’ve decided that there are really only four types of gifts:

Utility—Something he’ll actually use
Wish List—Something he really wants
Quality Time—Spending time with you
Appreciation—Showing that you care

Many gift ideas quality for more than one category; but the ever-illusive “perfect gift” would satisfy all four. This year, several major brands are doing their best to help you find that perfect gift for your dad. Here are just a few:

Sears and Docker’s want you to give the gift of Utility by offering a free $75 gas gift card with your $100 Docker’s purchase. At $4.00 a gallon, everyone could use some free gas, so Utility is in the bag. My dad’s not that fashionable (sorry dad), so new clothes are more need than a want. But with some looking, you may be able to find something on his Wish List. And, if you actually take your dad shopping and provide fashion advice, then you could knock out QT and Appreciation (IF the ordeal goes peaceably).

Best Buy and Circuit City are both cutting prices in hopes that you’ll cross something big off of Dad’s Wish List. Circuit City commissioned a study that found 52% of dads want electronics this Father's Day. A GPS system could definitely fit the Utility category by helping dad find cheaper gas stations (or save gas because we know he doesn’t like to ask for directions). Again, take dad to the store for some QT. And as you’re reclining in the home theatre section, take care of the Appreciation part with a quick “I love you dad.” Caution: You may find yourself yelling to be heard over the mega surround sound.

Nintendo wants you to spend some Quality Time with Dad for Father’s Day by participating in the Wii Father’s Day Challenge at the Nintendo World Store in Rockefeller Plaza. Dads and kids will test their collective smarts in a bracket-style tournament of the new Big Brain Academy game. The Wii is on a lot of Wish Lists for gamers and non-gamers alike. And the Wii Fit could be something that dad really needs to get him up off the couch and in better health. And finally, as you’re hoisting your trophy in the air, you’ll share a moment of bonding with dad for your Appreciation category.

Major League Baseball wants to be your first draft pick for showing dad some Appreciation. Players, managers, groundskeepers, umpires and pretty much everybody else will wear blue to celebrate dads. Home teams will also put special blue ribbon logos on their helmets and bases. Seeing his favorite team in action is probably on his Wish List, and going to the game together is a sure home run for Quality Time. The MLB also helps out in the Utility department by raising money for prostate cancer research. We hope dad will never need this gift, but you should let him know that you want him to stay healthy and live a long life.

What is your perfect gift for Dad this year?