The Social Media Games: How Twitter is Affecting the Olympics

Going into this year’s Summer Olympics in London, most people knew that social media was going to play a larger role in the games than it ever had in previous Olympics. Ever since the winter games in Vancouver two years ago the use of social media has boomed around the world. More and more people are using social media as a way to discuss major events in real time, and clearly the Olympics would be no exception. But just a few days into these summer Olympics, no one could have predicted the turn out we’ve seen so far. One social media site in particular, Twitter, is shaking things up for better and for worse.

If you watched the Opening Ceremonies of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London then you certainly weren’t alone. An independent study done by Bluefin Labs reported that during the opening ceremonies alone there were 5 million social media comments made about the event, 4.86 million of which ended up being tweets. In fact, so many people are tweeting while watching the games that according to TwitterUK there have been more tweets during London’s first day than the length of the entire 2008 Beijing games! Fans all over the world are using Twitter to keep up with results, athletes, and other fans in real time. Countries are encouraging the use of Twitter as well, hoping that their residents will tweet positive thoughts and messages to their favorite athletes throughout the games. Jamaica for example, although being ranked 141st in the world as far as population, ranks third only behind the United States and Great Britain in terms of the number of tweets they have sent to athletes from their country.

Although it’s great to hear how Twitter is being used worldwide to encourage sportsmanship towards athletes and fans all over, many could argue that it has been used to do more harm than good. Before the games even started, Greek triple-jumper Voula Papachristou was expelled from her Olympic team for tweeting a racist comment mocking African immigrants in Greece. Just a few days into the games, after the Swiss soccer team was defeated by South Korea, a Swiss player was expelled for tweeting that South Korean athletes were “Mongoloids.” There have also been reports that British police arrested a 17 year old after he posted several malicious tweets to a popular British athlete who came in fourth place in his event, making negative comments about his recently deceased father and possibly threatening his life as well.

The social media site has acted as a hub for athletes in the game to air their unhappiness with the marketing rules set in place by the International Olympic Committee. The IOC’s Social Media, Blogging and Internet Guideline’s Rule #40 states that athletes are not allowed to mention their sponsors during the games unless they are official Olympic sponsors. Athletes with little known sponsors are arguing that this is directly affecting their income. These rules haven’t stopped some athletes from posting controversial tweets on the topic however. United States track athlete Lee Manzano was forced to take down a tweet in which he mentioned a lesser known footwear brand that sponsors him. Many athletes have banded together to started a campaign against the rules by using hash tags “#WeDemandChange” and “#Rule40” to directly express their discontent. Dawn Harper, a U.S. 100 meter hurdler, took it a step further when she posted a picture of herself with a piece of tape over her mouth with “Rule 40” written across it.

The IOC isn’t the only organization involved in the Olympics that is catching grief from Twitter users. NBC and their coverage of the games have been under fire since the first day of the games. Thousands of Twitter users have started using the hash tag “#NBCFail” in their tweets complaining about the coverage. A British journalist based out of Los Angeles had his Twitter account suspended after tweeting harsh criticism of the opening ceremonies and the fact that NBC had decided to tape-delay events in the United States. He also posted the e-mail of an NBC executive, asking his followers to e-mail their complaints to him. Twitter stated that posting the e-mail address was a direct violation of their privacy policy and suspended the account. Many are questioning Twitters motives behind the suspension, since NBC and Twitter are official partners for these Olympic Games. Many argue that NBC prompted Twitter to silence their critic and Twitter complied due to their commercial relationship.

Twitter, which is now used by more than 140 million users, has become much more to the Olympics than anyone had originally anticipated. The exponential jump in the use of Twitter since previous Olympic Games is likely due to the advancement of smart phones which users take with them everywhere. But the unexpected nature of Twitter in these games raises the question of just how far the negativity will span. Regardless, social media has become essential to today’s generation by giving them a way to connect with the athletes and feel more included in the games. The idea of banning the use of social media entirely from large events such as the Olympics is almost unimaginable in today’s day and age. Exclusion of Twitter from the Olympics would be the equivalent of losing a large part of the experience.

Contributed By Nicole Juliano

Big Brands Creating Buzz

There’s been a lot of buzz in the media lately about big brands who are taking to advertising and social media as a way to express their corporate viewpoints and opinions. Many might argue that these big brands are participating in risky behavior. When you have millions of fans and followers on Facebook and Twitter alike and are broadcasting advertisements for millions to see, chances are high that your brand will generate both applause and dissent. In an age where breaking news is never further then a click, share, and post away, can creating controversy be considered a marketing tool? Let’s look into two brands who are exploring this very question.

On the night of Monday June 25th Oreo surprised their 26 million Facebook fans by posting a photo of an Oreo cookie stuffed with seven layers of rainbow frosting in honor of Gay Pride Month. The caption with the photo read, “Proudly Support Love!” In the four days that the photo has been present on Oreo’s timeline it has received 276, 727 likes, 53, 646 comments, and 86, 542 shares. “Kraft Foods has a proud history of celebrating diversity and inclusiveness. We feel the OREO ad is a fun reflection of our values. There has been a lot of buzz about the image, and it shows how relevant OREO is to people even after 100 years,” said Basil Maglaris, associate director of corporate affairs for Kraft. The feedback on the photo has been greatly mixed, receiving comments such as “I’ll never buy Oreos again.” to “Awesome! I’ve decided to go on an Oreo diet!” Regardless of negative feedback, analysts at Radian 6 reported that 81% of the responses across all social media sites were positive. Oreo’s page has also gained another one million Facebook fans in the four days since the picture was posted.

Another brand creating waves over expressing their opinion is Denny’s. In a recently run television advertisement, the company set out to explain some of the reasons why America is so great. Among these reasons they mention the right to bear arms, otherwise known as the hotly debated second amendment. The advertisement has a lighthearted and fun tone which has some speculating that they aren’t entirely serious; however conservatives and gun enthusiast alike are thrilled with Denny’s. The YouTube video of the spot has been flooded with positive feedback praising Denny’s and promising to eat there more often. “Awesome ad! I just heard you guys are actually supporters of my rights, I'll be coming to Denny's more.” one commenter wrote. However, there is no doubt that those with a negative viewpoint of the second amendment will soon put up a fight against the advertisement.

Although there is no shortage of controversy when it comes to brands publicly making a bold social or political statement some would argue that this type of attention, be it good or bad, can essentially be spun into a marketing strategy. Both of these brands released materials that quickly gained a lot of attention and thrust their brands in the spotlight. The exposure came with loads of support and thousands of consumers swearing to be faithful to these brands because of the opinions they expressed. Brands in this position would be smart to take advantage of the limelight while they have it to further re-enforce their value to consumers. Although it’s impossible to please your entire fan base and you are sure to encounter resistance along the way, big brands that stand up for what they believe in are sure to gain respect and maybe a few more fans along the way.

Contributed by Nicole Juliano

Twitter Changes the Game With Sports Partnerships

Twitter Changes the Game with Sports Partnerships

Twitter is now aiming to change the meaning behind the hashtag for sports fans everywhere. If you’re a sports fan then you are probably up to date on the latest scores, news, and announcements in the sports world. You might even follow your favorite athletes and teams on Twitter for this very reason. It was this segment of users that Twitter was focusing on when they decided to partner with NASCAR, ESPN, and other major sports leagues to co-produce social experiences around major sporting events.

The partnership between Twitter and ESPN marks the first time the social network site has signed a contract with a television network. The deal will allow advertisers to buy spots on both ESPN and Twitter in a single, two-for-one buy. “Working together, ESPN and Twitter are giving marketers a clear and powerful way to link on-air and online social conversations around sports. It’s the first time advertisers can engage the audience around ESPN’s premier content across screens and where the conversation is happening on Twitter.” said Joel Lunenfeld, Twitter’s Vice President of Global Brand Strategy.

On Twitter, the hashtag’s basic function is to serve as a content filter. But through partnerships with sports leagues, Twitter is turning the hashtag into more of a content destination for users everywhere. Up until now, when users click on a hashtag they are shown a variety of tweets from other users with the same hashtag.

But that will change for various sports events, when Twitter will curate tweets from the sponsorships so when clicked on they will give users more of an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the event. The tweets will be monitored and organized by Twitter in order to show a variety of selected tweets pertaining to the sporting event, instead of just one account of unfiltered, unrelated fan posts. After the event, the hashtag will resume its normal function as a content filter.

Starting with NASCAR and the Pocono 400 race, which aired on TNT on June 10th, Twitter promoted the hashtag #NASCAR to create buzz around the race. During the event Twitter ran its first official television advertisement which promised a more unique and connected experience if you went to their website during the race. Whether it was a picture from within a racecar, a photo snapped by a VIP onlooker or a tweet from a mechanic or car manager, Twitter could show you more than what you would see just watching the race on television.

Twitter and ESPN also teamed up for the NBA Finals to promote the “game face” hashtag. Fans are encouraged to upload pictures of their best game face throughout the finals and attach the #Gameface hashtag. At the conclusion of each game, NBA Tonight analysts will share their favorite photographs on-air and feature some in a photo gallery on their website, before revealing the final winner who will receive a grand tour of ESPN headquarters in Bristol, Connecticut.

The partnership between Twitter and big name sporting events is a win-win situation aimed to show other brand marketers that Twitter's hashtag pages are capable of driving traffic. “When sports fans around the world see a hashtag displayed on the air during a game or race, that’s a signal to them that there is a bigger conversation happening on Twitter,” said Twitter CEO Dick Costolo. Future events will offer a similar interactive experience, with new themes and dedicated hashtags to drive the sports conversation on Twitter. Some of the events on the horizon for Twitter and partners include The X Games, Road to the BCS National Championship.

Contributed By: Nicole Juliano

Facebook and Brands: A Match Made in Social Media Heaven

It’s the year 2012, and Facebook has acquired nearly 901 million users worldwide. That means that if Facebook users made their own country, they would be the third largest in the world! According to Search Engine Journal, users upload nearly 250 million photos, click the “Like” button 2.7 billion times, and spend roughly 20 minutes per visit every day on the site. As a brand, there is endless potential to reach current customers and their friends when your content is shared, liked and commented on. With so much user activity, it’s no wonder brands are spending a lot of time and money on their social media efforts. In an age where social media rules, Facebook helps businesses promote their brand more effectively by encouraging interaction with users – something that has become a must. Let’s take a look at a couple of different things Facebook is doing to make the site more brand-friendly.

Page Features

Many brands think that committing to a Facebook page will be too tedious of a task; however Facebook recently announced a few new features that businesses can use to help make managing their profile page easier once you get it set up. One new feature allows you to schedule future posts. Up until now, the only way to schedule a post was through a third-party application. Now you simply just click the clock icon in the status box and you can schedule a post, photo, or video up to six months in advance. Also, businesses can now pay a fee to have a post promoted. This means that the post will be shown in news feeds of the people who “Like” your page as well as anyone they are friends with, even if they haven’t “Liked” your page. Finally, businesses can now assign administrative roles to the people who help manage the page. There are five different roles you can potentially assign: manager, content creator, moderator, advertiser and insights analyst. All of these are added benefits to helping manage your page and maximize your exposure.

Display Advertising

If you’re thinking about advertising online, Facebook has to be one of the first considerations. It is the number one publisher of display advertisements, larger than Yahoo, Microsoft, Google, and AOL combined. Also, more than one million different websites are integrated into Facebook, making it the go-to site for consumers seeking ease and accessibility. Display advertising on Facebook can be extremely efficient due to the fact that it lets you specifically select your target audience by customizing important location, demographic and user interest information in order to ensure you reach the right people. Your ad will be shown regardless of what Facebook page they are viewing, which means greater exposure to those who will actually be interested in your brand.

Sum up

In today’s social media obsessed world, the question isn’t why you need Facebook; it’s why in the world aren’t you already on Facebook? Although your brand’s Facebook page is essentially a professional profile page, it should be treated as more of a social tool than if it were simply your regular website. Users and fans alike are able to ask questions, interact with content, see photos from behind-the-scenes, and watch cool videos related to your brand. Show fans a different and more interactive side of your business and Facebook will no doubt be a contributing factor to your success.

Contributed By: Nicole Juliano

For Your Best Night Ever, The Secret is Clear

If you are anything like me, you love the scoop on the latest and greatest hair and beauty products. Or maybe you enjoy relaxing by catching your favorite show on T.V. or browsing the internet. Either way regardless of your interests or media consumption preference, you have probably heard or seen some type of advertising for the new premium hair care brand Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy. Recently launched by Unilever, Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy is already sold in 42 different countries and has just recently made its way to the United States market, and already it’s making a splash.

One of the first things that came to my mind upon discovering this new line was wondering how exactly a new brand of shampoo and conditioners distinguishes itself from their abundance of competition. If you’ve been down the hair care isle at your local store lately, you know that it can be overwhelming with the large variety of options there are to choose from. To combat this issue Unilever is taking a new (and extremely interactive) approach to promote their brand and get the consumer’s attention. In their promotion for Clear, NBCUniversal’s Integrated Media along with Creative Partnerships & Innovations Group and Mindshare Entertainment have created one of the largest social television advertising campaigns to date. “In today’s crowded marketplace, it is more important than ever to rise above the clutter with breakthrough creative that engages audiences in new and unexpected ways” says John Shea, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer of integrated media at NBCUniversal.

Advertising for Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy is focused around a multi-part mini-series that will air across several different TV networks including NBC, Bravo, E!, Oxygen, and Style as well as their online websites. Named “The Best Night Ever,” viewers follow two club-goers on their quest to gain access to the VIP room and have, well, their best night ever! Jane Krakowski, Giuliana Rancic, Andy Cohen and Tim Meadows are among the characters within the commercials. “Ultimately as our characters and celebrities prove, the secret to having your best night ever is not befriending the bouncer or getting to know the bartender, it’s about the confidence that great hair brings” says David Rubin, U.S. haircare marketing director for Unilever.

Viewers can tune in to watch segments of the series air during different programs on different networks and are then directed to go online to Clear’s Twitter or Facebook pages. Once there, viewers can gain access to an online video platform that allows viewers to make choices that affect the course of the series in real time. While viewers are there they can check out the latest information on the product and leave their comments and questions as well. “This is audience engagement at its best. By infusing entertainment into the Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy message, the campaign becomes a fun, shareable, impactful experience,” notes Barbara Biangiardi, Senior Vice President of Creative Partnerships and Innovation.

Marketing your brand this way allows access to direct consumer communication and allows your company to be more attuned to the ever changing trends in the market. Only time will tell how successful Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy will be in the United States, as the last part of the mini-series is set to air June 11th. With such an innovative marketing strategy where viewers are engaged with multiple screens yet exposed to only one product, it would be hard to imagine anything other than success for Unilever. As their campaign suggests, you can accomplish anything as long as your hair looks great!

Contributed by: Nicole Juliano

Pinterest: A New Way to Market Your Brand

There are many websites out there that help us find the things we are interested in such as Google and Stumble Upon, but recently there has been a growing interest in organizing these likes and interests on one platform. And that’s where Pinterest comes in, and as it grows in popularity more than just its individual users are reaping its rewards. Brands too can benefit from Pinterest, as it has become an innovative way to share information, ideas, and more importantly products, and brands.

According to its’ website, Pinterest “lets you organize all the beautiful things you find on the web.” Pinterest is made up of many different boards, which have an overlying topic such as “Recipes” and “Fashion.” Each user’s board acts as a virtual pin board, where they can pin pictures, articles, or anything of interest from the web or uploaded from their computer. Users are using their boards for everything from redesigning a bedroom, to planning a wedding, to making a collage of favorite fashion designs.

Pinterest has become an innovative way for businesses to get their name and products out there. Because it allows users to share and gain information with ease, it makes the spread of ideas and information easier than ever. If a business has a product pinned on a very popular board, other users are likely to see the pin and click it which will take them to the business’ website. For example, if you see a pair of Nike tennis shoes pinned to a “Shoes” board and want to buy them, all you have to do is click the picture and you will be taken to the website where they can be purchased. Unlike Facebook, Pinterest does not have the option to create a corporate account, which can actually help a brand. With no corporate accounts, brands are not able to pin their own products, so customers must pin them instead. Customers pinning about a brand’s products instead of the brand pinning about its own products may be more effective. Customers tend to listen to and trust fellow customers more than a large brand. If they see a product they like that another user has pinned they will probably be more likely to purchase it because it is being promoted by another person like them, not a large brand. Pinterest is a new branch of social media that brands should take advantage of. Brands can capitalize on Pinterest by encouraging customers to pin products they like, which shares the product with the millions of people on Pinterest and is free marketing. Many brands may discover that they gain a great amount of recognition and business by letting the customers do some of the promoting.

Contributed by Keena Classen

Pros and Cons of User-Generated Content

As the role of user-created content becomes more and more relevant, it is important for companies to consider whether to follow the trend of putting their brand into the hands of users or to keep the reigns tight on their marketing strategy. So, what are the pros and cons of letting your customers speak for you?



By outsourcing publicity to real customers, a brand can appear more legitimate from the eyes of a consumer. When customers express sincere opinions of a brand, whether it is organically (social networks) or through testimonial campaigns, they are sharing experiences and opinions that can’t be made up, which makes a brand feel authentic. Because consumers are telling stories at their own free will, the message is fresh and serves as an honest testament to a brand’s quality and popularity.

Personal Connection

When a company’s communication strategy includes user-created content, it allows the brand to sit amongst its audience and act as a peer, rather than a  business looking down on the world. When communication efforts are more conversational by way of Facebook and Twitter, it gives the message a personal quality that is hard to capture with traditional advertising. In any situation, it is more comfortable to be “talked to” than to be “talked at”.

As a relevant example of a brand correctly leveraging consumer enthusiasm and input, Dorito’s annual “Crash the Super Bowl” contest gives real customers a chance to share their ideas to promote their favorite snack brand.


A lot of brands are afraid to shift the power to consumers. You don’t know what you’re going to get when you turn your brand over to the masses – it’s an easy way to feel the burn of user-generated content. And the amount of time it takes to sort through consumer-created content is no simple task. Successfully using content created by customers requires around the clock supervision. Mismanagement can lead to false rumors and confusion, which can be devastating for any brand.


Honesty isn’t always a good thing. Exposing your brand to honest customer opinion can create vulnerability. While dissatisfied customers used to be limited to word of mouth, they now have the option of instantaneously posting their thoughts for the world to see. Allowing users to speak their mind will always yield a degree of negativity, and any attempts to censor that conversation can backfire.

Lowe’s and Chiquita both recently came under attack for business decisions related to user-generated content. Both are great examples of how the freedom of consumer speech can sometimes be more pain than glory.


We can all agree that consumer integration and interaction is a great opportunity for any brand. But it’s easy to get in over your head. The key is to not overdue it and make sure every initiative and platform is well managed. And most importantly - have fun connecting with your audience. Showing passion and enthusiasm will lead to have a positive experience.

Contributed by Christy O'Keefe.

How Social Media Can Help Branding

Social media is a great way to help promote a brand because of convenience and connection. Social networks are unlike other marketing platforms because they offer brands an easy access to target audiences, and the ability to maintain online relationships. An online brand profile allows a company to introduce its brand identity, and make the brand more present in consumers’ everyday lives.

The biggest platforms that will help bring the most traffic to a brand are Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Facebook offers a limitless amount of space to promote a brand, with room for wall conversations, updates, photos, video, pictures, interests, and more. Though Twitter and Linkedin are a bit more limiting in what you can share with your audience, they are equally as powerful as Facebook for engaging interaction and forming an online identity.

Consistent updates on Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin will help flesh out your brand’s profile. Followers can learn about news updates, comment on posts, and offer other insights that may help your brand be the best it can be. The unique quality about social networks is that they build a community and thus a loyalty around your brand, which is valuable for staying relevant and attractive in any industry.

One of the most valuable things social media has to offer a brand is the ability to associate with other brand names online. Partnerships can increase visibility to a wider audience, and leverage a brand into new markets. Alternatively, if a brand targets a specific market or a certain audience, there are niche social media sites to explore. For example, if your brand is a diaper company, it would be advantageous to follow or even start a mommy blog, to get feedback on what mom’s think about your products.

In the past, brands have just been names and logos, but now they trigger online conversations, bringing more life and interaction to a brand’s identity. Not only can you see what consumers say about your brand, but also what they say about competitors. Following a competitor’s profile page can help a brand to monitor the direction of its competitor, and stay up-to-date in the market.

In a brand-centric world, social media can really help a brand distinguish itself and maintain a fresh image. The social media-scape is still new, allowing room to innovate the ways in which it’s being used. We should be seeing some interesting social media initiatives from brands in the near future!

Contributed by: Emily Hassell

Blogger, Picasa succumb to Google's rebranding

The media world has yet to stop buzzing about Google's intriguing new social network, named the Google+ project. It only seems right to follow up on our last post with recent news about some of Google's most valuable website possessions — and how Google+ plays into the equation. announced this week that Google has plans to retire its Blogger and Picasa brands in order to rename them as Google products. The popular blogging and photo-sharing websites, respectively, are being rebranded under Google's initiative to integrate all of its brands for the launch of Google+.

Blogger will be renamed "Google Blogs," and Picasa will instead become "Google Photos." The changes will be implemented as soon as mid to late August, which many believe is when Google+ will be released for public use.

These initiatives are part of a slowly evolving rebranding process on Google's part that has been in effect since at least 2008, when Google renamed the newly acquired JotSpot as Google Sites. This time, however, the newly rebranded sites will be implemented as features of Google+, although the details of exactly how aren't clear yet.

Google's rebranding endeavor certainly has the potential for greater brand recognition and prestige. If you visit the current Blogger site, one of the top ten most visited sites in the world, it's not very clear that it's owned by Google (Picasa is a little more obvious, with the word "google" in its domain name). Rebranding each site under the Google umbrella not only eliminates any doubt about the site's brand, but also strengthens Google's image of versatility in the online world.

Of course, the payoff may not be worth the integration in the long run. Users may not utilize the new brands through Google+ at all, and Blogger and Picasa loyalists might be upset enough with the obvious commercialization of their favorite sites to choose different blogging or photo-sharing options. Additionally, although consistency is important for the Google brand (Google Maps, Google Images, Google News, etc.), it could erase the unique, image-conjuring identities formerly held by names like Blogger and Picasa.

Whatever the outcome, it will be interesting to see how the shelf lives of these popular sites fare when they are rebranded with the Google name. Do you think the initiative is a clever strategy or a step in the wrong direction?

Contributed by Allison Meeks

Google+: social networking suicide?

Google is a big part of many people's daily Internet routines. They check their e-mails on Gmail, find directions on Google Maps, and use its namesake search engine multiple times a day.

But there is one digital arena that Google has failed to succeed in, and that is social networking. After Google's 2010 flop with Google Buzz, it is still Facebook that dominates the scene. The social networking giant touts around 750 million active users, and is an Internet staple for many. These successes are due to Facebook's strong brand, which conveys social connectivity that is easily accessible by anyone.

Last Tuesday Google announced its new try at social networking — the Google+ Project. The network is very similar to Facebook — users can share status updates, photos, videos and links with their friends. However, one of Google+'s most unique features is their "circles," where users can place their friends in categories ("friends," "family," etc.) and decide which information they want to share with each group.

This venture shows that Google wants a social networking brand position that is distinct from Facebook. Google wants to be associated with something that more closely imitates the connections you have with peers in the real world, where there is secure and personal control over who gets to know what information.

“In real life, we have walls and windows and I can speak to you knowing who’s in the room, but in the online world… you share with the whole world,” Google product management Vice President Bradley Horowitz told the New York Times. “We have a different model.”

A problem with Google's brand strategy, however, is the network's striking similarity to Facebook, in content and in layout. Some users won't want to add a new social network to their repertoire if it has the same look and feel of what they're already using. Google, as a leading web innovator, could have brought more to the plate here.

Regardless, the launch of Google+ shows the world that Google wants to continue positioning itself as a multifaceted and technologically relevant brand. The corporation has been largely successful thus far in its developments from a simple search engine into a go-to resource for news, images, and even as the owner of Youtube. Now it's looking for a way to maintain its image of simplified versatility, and social networking is the next frontier.

Do you think Google+ will chip away at Facebook's hold on the social networking market?

Contributed by Allison Meeks