No Free Lunch

The recent litigation between POM Wonderful and Purely Juice makes me question the correlation between marketing and nutrition labels.

According to Brandweek, Purely Juice claimed that one of its products was "100% pure pomegranate juice" and contained "no added sugar or sweeteners." Seven different labs showed found that the product contained trace amounts of pomegranate juice and a healthy dose of high-fructose corn syrup -- a fairly clear case of false advertising and misleading the consumer into believing the product is healthier than it actually is. But aren’t we as consumers surrounded by these “claims” every day? “Calorie-free” sodas can actually contain up to 5 calories per serving. A product with the word “light” on its package only has to have 1/3 fewer calories than the original, but we’re assuming that the original calories aren’t off the charts to begin with.

Working with many consumer companies, we’ve had to tread lightly on using words like “fresh” or “healthy” in product naming to avoid making false claims on what the product actually delivers. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect in your packaging versus your nutrition label:

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The Knight and The Hare

My recent wedding presents me with a personal re-branding opportunity and a potential new revenue generating stream for Addison Whitney. I face a question that thousands of others do after marriage- Do I take my husband’s name, hyphenate or keep my current name? Could Addison Whitney solve this dilemma for me and thousands of other retired Bridezillas?

Below my current brand name and potential new brand name are run through an abbreviated review process.

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Wikimania 2008

Wikimania 2008 is underway in Alexandria, Egypt this week, lasting through Saturday, July 19, 2008. This is the fourth Wikimania, a regular conference for all Wikimedians who contribute to one of the many Wikimedia Foundation projects.

According to Webster's Dictionary, a wiki is a collaborative Web site set up to allow user editing and adding of content. The community encyclopedia, Wikipedia, is one of the best-known wikis.

For those of you who are wondering, Wiki- comes from the Hawaiian word for quickly. The name Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words wiki and encyclopedia.

Contributed by: Maghan Cook

The Gratitude Campaign

A friend recently told me about The Gratitude Campaign. It encourages people to say thank you to soldiers by using sign language.

I think anything that helps us show our gratitude to the troops is a great idea, especially since this week began with Memorial Day. More than once I’ve seen a soldier in the airport, and I’ve thought about saying something, but I usually just smile and keep walking. Next time, I can give them a sign of my appreciation.

The Meaning of a Day: Memorial Day

For many of us, Memorial Day has come to represent just an extra day off work. It signals the end of the school year and the beginning of summer (and higher gas prices). It’s a chance for us to go to the beach, have a picnic, visit family or take advantage of a huge sale at the mall. Although these activities reflect our society today, none of them have anything to do with the intended meaning of the day.

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Typo Hunt Across America

Check this out! A group called the Typo Eradication Advancement League (TEAL) is making their way across the U.S. correcting typographical errors. Totals so far… typos found: 405, typos corrected: 222!

Be sure to check out their blog featuring commentary on the adventure!