Just don’t call me Grandma!

Today, right now even, pick up the phone and call your grandmother or grandfather in honor of National Grandparents Day.

But as you scroll through your contacts, what name are you looking for? We surveyed our team in search of the most unusual grandparent naming. From the most traditional to the young and hip, we found that everyone has a story to tell about their own Jinx and Boompa. Here’s our list:

Grandma, Grandmommy, Grandmama, Granny, Grammy, Gramma, Grammy, Granna, Gra-Gra, Mom-mom, Mah-mah, Mam-maw, Me-maw, Mami, Oma, Nana, Missy, Manny, Ninni, Toppi,
Mimi, GiGi, Honey, Banana, Jinx

Grandpa, Grandaddy, Grampa, Grampy, Pa, Papa, Paw-Paw, Papaw, Opa, Poppy, Poppi, Papi, Pop-Pop, Bampa, Buppa, Boompa

Marian McQuade campaigned for National Grandparents Day, which became official in 1978. She wanted to strengthen the bond between grandparents and grandchildren and to champion the cause of lonely people in nursing homes.

If you don't have any living grandparents, you can visit older adults in area nursing homes or assisted living centers. Some of our AW Helping Hands volunteers have done this through Hands on Charlotte. We can’t guarantee that your new friends will let you call them Granny or Poppy, but we know they’ll be happy to see you…and they might let you call the letters at Bingo.

Red, White, and BRAND!


Contributed by Carrie Friedrich

Becky, we salute you!

In case you forgot that today was Administrative Professionals Day, run out quick and grab some flowers, candy or a gift card for the individual who really sits at command central for most companies. Today we give a great big shout out to AW’s own Becky Leonard, a U.S. Marine Veteran and our current go-to gal for everything from toner to coffee to learning how to use the fax machine for the 20th time. Becky’s commitment to this company and the individuals who work here is inspiring, even if we don’t say it every time we grab a Twix bar from the candy bowl up front.

To show just how much she means to us, we asked the employees of Addison Whitney to write one word (ok, maybe a couple of words) that defines Becky. It’s easy to see the kind of person that she is. Thanks Becky, for all you do!!

Green Beer to Save the World

greenbeer ......................................................................................................................................................................
This week, green dye and food coloring fly off the shelf to "vertify" everything from frosting to the Chicago River itself. Green beer is a popular St. Patrick's Day libation, but some brewers are taking a different turn and working to be green all year long. This time we mean eco-friendly green.

Breweries are going green by recycling spent grains, reducing packaging, or boosting the energy efficiency of the brew house.

Adnams, a UK brewery, has gone so far with one beer that it has received the endorsement of TheRead more

More Than Words

It’s that time of year again. Time to tell that special someone how you truly feel…through candy hearts of course! Who needs love letters and flowers? Pass your significant other a real piece of sugar and call it a day.

Sweethearts have a history that dates back to the time of Abraham Lincoln, so it’s understandable that NECCO, the company responsible for its popularity, has managed to perfect the art of candy messaging. Check out the fascinating story here.

Year after year, the company melts consumer’s hearts with simple phrases including “be mine,” “kiss me,” and “my man.”
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Say Peak-a-Boo

 It’s that time of year again…waiting to see if that little groundhog is going to see his shadow! In case you were not aware of the details of this special day here’s the gist of it. Every year on February 2nd , dating back to the 1800s, many gather in the traditional location of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to witness the local celebrity, Phil, peak out of hibernation. The groundhog seeing its shadow means six more weeks of winter, and no shadow means spring is around the corner.

Interested in how a rodent managed to achieve the power of deciding our destiny year after year, find
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The Design Intern’s Holiday Tradition: 2008

source:  Addison Whitney
Nathan Lewis, Design Intern - Fall 2008, Art Institute of Charlotte
This year’s intern, Nathan Lewis from the Art Institute of Charlotte, created a Las Vegas inspired invite to convey this year’s “Casino Night” theme. The invite tells the story of how Santa loses everything “including his sleigh” by going all in at the holiday party.

The Casino Night Party takes place tonight at Village Tavern in South Park. Get ready for a little healthy competition and a night that is sure to be memorable.

The Design Intern’s Holiday Tradition: 2007

source:  Addison Whitney
Laura Stokes, Design Intern - Fall 2007, UNC-Charlotte
To switch things up a little for 2007, the planning committee decided to treat the Addison Whitney team to a night of sailing on Lake Norman. To capture the essence of the party, Laura illustrated a detailed holiday invite which featured a partridge sailing away on a moonlit cruise.

The Design Intern's Holiday Tradition: 2006

source:  Addison Whitney
Sandy Pawlowski, Design Intern - Fall 2006, UNC-Charlotte
Capitalizing on her origami folding experience, Sandy created a beautiful invite to resemble a gift box. Each invite contained a piece of chocolate as well as a separate card, which included directions to the party.

The Design Intern's Holiday Tradition: 2005

source:  Addison Whitney
Nick Irwin, Design Intern - Fall 2005, UNC-Charlotte
In 2005, the Addison Whitney gang enjoyed a relaxing evening by a crackling fire at “The Cabin.” The invite this year highlighted the log cabin theme with an illustration of Rudolph landing on the roof of the cabin with the AW crew inside.