What's with April 15th?

Today marks the one blemish in April’s usually blooming record: Tax Return Day. Eh, well, April is also the beginning of tornado season, but I digress. A post office’s nightmare and a CPA’s dream, tax season gives a whole new light to mathematics and itemization. People find themselves scrambling through old shoeboxes for missing receipts and trying to mentally calculate volunteer work and “charitable” donations they can claim in hopes of squeezing every penny out of their return.

But why April 15th? Who chose this day to make people sweat an audit and pile themselves in papers? So I decided to dig around a little bit, and by a little bit, I went straight to Wikipedia. C’mon, everyone uses it, but no one wants to admit to.

According to the highly distinguished website, Congress was the one to put “tax day” on the calendar. When we, “America”, ratified the 16th Amendment in 1913, which allowed Congress to institute an income tax, they chose March 1st of the following year as the deadline for filing returns. However, with the Revenue Act of 1918, which I probably need to pick up a text book to see what that was about, they up and moved the date to March 15th. It wasn’t until 1955 though, that Congress finally settled on the April 15th deadline. I think it was because April is prettier, but apparently it was to spread out the workload for the IRS. It’s also rumored that the growing middle class was filing more and more returns and the government wanted a little more time to hold on to the money. Sneaky.

Although fulfilled with this great public encyclopedia knowledge about something that I still get my dad to do for me every year (yes, I’m 25), I also don’t want to spread lies. Therefore, I decided I needed to verify this information. After some intense Google searching, I stumbled across an article on CNN from April 15, 2002, which basically laid out the same information verbatim. And everyone trusts CNN.

So there you have it. That’s why April 15th is, well the day it is. So put the remote down, turn your laptop on and get to filling.

Contributed by: Keri Lynch

My Goodness

Guinness Ad

For 250 years, Guinness has been refreshing thirsty beer-lovers across the world. And, on St. Patrick’s Day, no celebration is complete without this Irish legend.

To many, Guinness is so much more than a beer, it’s an experience of pure joy. Envision the Guinness experience: the request, “Guinness please;” the 119.53 second pour; the cascade; the first sip.

What was developed from humble beginnings has become one of the world’s most successful brands. Its advertising from the 1930s is considered art. Fanatics make pilgrimages to Guinness Storehouse for a pint. Its logo can be found on anything from shirts to hats to toy trucks to cufflinks. In Africa, its ads transitioned into a movie called "Critical Assignment" starring a character of its own creation called Michael Power. And, in 2007 it was estimated that 10 million glasses of Guinness were enjoyed around the world each day.

So, this St. Patty’s Day, as you enjoy a Guinness or two (if you're of legal age of course), take some time to savor a little bit of the history in your glass. Sláinte!

"May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live." - Irish toast 

[Sic] of Bad Grammar?

Things That Make Us [Sic]

If you know the difference between good and well, and that and which, then today is your (not you're) day to unabashedly correct and edit bad grammar. *Finally!*

National Grammar Day was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar (SPOGG) and author of Things That Make Us [Sic].

As a holiday, National Grammar Day is probably too (not to or two) new to have traditional celebrations, but at the minimum, I think it affords you the freedom to use proper English, and to help others do the same, without feeling like a hoity-toity grammar snob. Red pens ready!

Greek and Roman Eponyms: Cupid’s Modern-Day Naming Trend


With February upon us, nobody is safe from Cupid’s arrow.  Cupid is an important symbol of Valentine’s Day and in Roman mythology, his name stands for the god of love and beauty.  Cupid has remained apparent as a representation of love for many people throughout the world, with online dating services and wedding chapels now named after him.  An eponym is a name derived from a real person or fictional character.  In some cases, the person’s name and the word are exactly the same and the word simply takes on a new meaning.  In other cases the person’s name is slightly changed.  Many modern-day products and companies have utilized eponyms and are now successfully positioned in the marketplace as highly recognized brands.  Several have also incorporated these ideas into their logos.Read more

The Celebrity Fragrance Phenomenon

The last few years have certainly seen an upsurge of celebrity endorsed perfumes. Similar to last Christmas but even more imminent, the perfume counters this past Christmas season are featuring the latest and greatest releases by Paris Hilton, Faith Hill and Usher. In the early 90s when Elizabeth Taylor’s White Diamonds was released, celebrity fragrances were few and far between. Today, celebrities are using their names as brands and consumers are buying into the idea (literally)! Perfume producers are targeting an existing consumer audience comprised of celebrity fans. Celebrities’ status in society supports this high-end image that consumers strive to impersonate. With the release of numerous new celebrity clothing lines and shoe collections, consumers feel like they can relate to their favorite artists and actors. Now they’re purchasing the toiletries to match. Do the celebrities themselves even have influence on these scents? If so, the question becomes, who do you want to smell like? More importantly, are celebrities really wearing their name brand scents? And if not, why are consumers?

Contributed by:  Ashley Popham

VP Consultant Elf

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Bill Lippincott, aka Blisters
Favorite Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life. How can you beat Jimmy Stewart in this black & white classic. A quotable line for all life’s moments.

Favorite Holiday Treat: Bob’s Peppermint Candy Canes. I’m talking about the real deal here, none of that Chinese crap. Hard candy, baby! Break a molar and smile the whole way through.

Favorite Holiday Tradition: Opening the gifts on Christmas morning still tops all, young or old.

How do you trim your tree? I buy it, set it up, and put on the lights. After that manly man’s work, I retire for a cocktail and let my wife handle the decorations.

Favorite Reindeer: I’m not sure, but I wonder if after giving Donner his name, Santa moved him up to the front as not to be so close to his sleigh?

Project Management Elves

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Ashley Popham, aka Bouncy Bubba Louie
Favorite Holiday Movie: Snoopy Christmas
Favorite Holiday Treat: Fudge
Favorite Holiday Recipe: Christmas Sugar Cookies
Favorite Holiday Tradition: Getting together with my three best friends and having our annual cookie baking and decorating at someone’s house.
Trimming the Tree: I like the old fashioned ornaments, and I like to collect city ornaments from places I’ve traveled to.
Favorite Part of Christmas: Decorating and going back home to Atlanta to visit my friends and family.

Keri Lynch, aka Jolly Angelpants
Favorite Holiday Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Holiday Treat: Peanut Butter Kiss cookies
Favorite Holiday Tradition: My mom letting us open one present on Christmas Eve, and it was always a new pair of Christmas pajamas.
Trimming the Tree: Lots of tinsle.
Favorite Reindeer: Vixen. Who doesn't like a reindeer who isn't afraid to be a little naughty?

Laine Beyerl, aka Snooky Sparkly-Toes
Favorite Holiday Movie: A Christmas Story. Yes, I do like to watch it at least 6 times during the 24 hour marathon
Favorite Holiday Treat: Pierogies (family Christmas tradition) and Chocolate Fudge. Not at the same time.
Favorite Holiday Tradition: Overeating.
Trimming the Tree: I visit my parents every year and the tree is usually trimmed already with ornaments from over the years.
Favorite Reindeer: Donner--the most overlooked reindeer of all.

Strategy Elves

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Betsy Lard, aka Bijoux O'Leary
Favorite Holiday Movie? I still laugh out loud at A Christmas Story
Favorite Holiday Treat? Christmas Wassail is a hot, spiced cider; it's my favorite way to warm up in the evenings
Favorite Holiday Tradition? My family has a bonfire each year, where we roast hot dogs, make s'mores and catch up with friends and family
How do you Trim your Tree? We haven't developed any theme yet. We just trim our tree with a mishmash of ornaments passed down from our families
Favorite Reindeer? Blitzen is cool; I think his name originally meant lightning, which you'd need to deliver all those toys in one night.

Beth Anne McPheeters, aka Crumpet
Favorite Holiday Movie? A Christmas Story and Love Actually
Favorite Holiday Treat? Cookie box (it's more of a bucket) from Mom's friend
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Watching Dumb and Dumber on Christmas Eve
How do you Trim your Tree? I don't have a tree -- I'm broke and lazy
Favorite Reindeer? Prancer -- cause he sounds fancy

Market Research Elves

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Elizabeth McGaha, aka Wacky Bubba-Louie
Favorite Holiday Movie? Nester the Long-Eared Donkey (I cry every time)
Favorite Holiday Treat? Nonfat no-whip peppermint mocha from Starbucks
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Going to see the Capitol Christmas Tree and the National and State trees in D.C.
How do you Trim your Tree? The day after THanksgiving with multi-colored lights and as much glitter and sequins and tackiness as possible
Favorite Reindeer? Blitzen

Meredith Badinelli, aka Sunny Mistletoe
Favorite Holiday Movie? A Christmas Story
Favorite Holiday Treat? Chex Muddy Buddies
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Trimming the tree (and of course, opening presents!)
How do you Trim your Tree? Multi-colored lights and an assortment of ornaments collected over the years
Favorite Reindeer? Comet

Erin Broszkowski, aka Nipper Angel-Pants
Favorite Holiday Movie? Miracle on 34th Street -- I've seen it a million times and still get teary
Favorite Holiday Treat? Peppermint Ice Cream -- my mom and I stalk the freezer section right after Thanksgiving
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Even though my brother and I are in our 20s, we get pajamas every Christmas Eve that we have to sleep in and wear the next morning when we open presents
How do you Trim your Tree? When my mom was a kid she got an ornament every year for the tree. She continued the tradition with my brother and I. Our tree is covered with all of our ornaments past and present.
Favorite Reindeer? Dancer