Introducing Insperity



For those of you who have been following our recent tweases (Twitter teases) noted by our hashtag #AW3095, you already know the news. For everyone else, it’s our pleasure to introduce Insperity, formerly Administaff.

Addison Whitney has been working with the Insperity team since February 2009 and is so proud of its team’s hard work throughout the process, and especially at the launch some members of our team were lucky enough to attend.

We are excited to begin our Insperity series to highlight the key steps from throughout our more than two year relationship with the Insperity team. Throughout each post we will give you some insight into things we learned or just fun facts from each phase.

Here are some headlines to get you excited and coming back for a double dip of Brand Salsa.

- Market Research – gathering key insights from current and future customers
- Brand Strategy – who are we and what to do with all of these offerings and brands
- Verbal Branding – farewell Administaff, hello Insperity
- Visual Branding – Insperity’s new look and feel
- Brand Rollout – dancing in the streets of Houston
- What Makes a Great Project Team – we’ll tell you because we worked with a fantastic one at Insperity

Stay tuned!

Confessions of a Name-Induced Shopper

Eos Vanilla......................................................................................................................................................................
Be honest - have you ever bought a product solely because of its name or packaging?

*whispers* I have.

The bottle’s appearance sucked me in, the matte hot pink and matte yellow bottles at the end of a sea of glossy blue and purple cans. I moved in closer, seeing the name EOS emblazoned across the top. Instant adoration! I love the name because Eos is the ancient Greek goddess of the dawn, often signifying a new beginning. Double bonus verbal branding: they’ve made it an acronym apropos to their product line, the “Evolution of Smooth.” So, even if you didn’t know that Eos was the goddess of the dawn, they are telling you this is a new beginning, an innovation in shaving, a new era of smooth legs!

Thankfully, I have ended up loving the product, too. Vanilla Bliss, indeed.

Will I now buy their lotion, lip balm (smooth stick or smooth sphere) and other flavors of shave cream?

*shouts* Yes!

Maybe it’s not the smartest way to shop, but EOS sold me in five seconds flat. I wasn’t even looking to buy shaving cream that fateful day in Target.

I wasn’t even in the aisle.

The Rebranding of the Y

Y Logo Change
Any given day, you’re sure to find an Addison Whitney employee at the Y running on a tredmill or perfecting Zumba moves. As a member of the YMCA of Greater Charlotte, I received an email last week from the President & CEO and Metropolitan Board Chair that blew my mind – in a good way.

By the time I’d received the email, I’d heard the news of the YMCA’s rebranding to the Y. I had seen the new logo and color palette. And I had read quite a few articles and blog entries cheering and jeering the change.

But this email was different because it was from my Y. The email, entitled “Still Your YMCA,” communicated the changes members can expect including a new brand strategy defining its cause of strengthening the foundations of community and a refreshed logo. But it also told members what would not change: the mission, core values and services members enjoy.

A key to successfully introducing a rebranding effort to your target audience is communication. As a member of the brand strategy team, we tell our clients going through rebranding efforts to do just what the Y did so well. Tell your target audience why you did it, how you did it and what they can expect. Change can be scary, so calm any fears by clearly stating what will not change.

The email from the YMCA of Greater Charlotte says it best: “As you can see, the Y isn't changing any of the great programs and services that we've always provided; we're just trying to do a better job of explaining why they matter.”

And you’re off to a great start.

The Many Faces of Google

I don't know about you, but for some reason it always makes my day when Google features one of their custom logos. For those of you that have managed to miss this occurrence, don't worry. You're bound to catch one eventually. While usually these alternative logos are in celebration of holidays and historic events, Google also commemorates birthdays of famous artists and scientists. A special colorless logo has appeared in recognition of major tragedies, and on Earth Hour the site switched its background to black symbolize "turning out the lights". Google Custom Search even hosts a landing page called Blackle, that serves as encouragement to users to save energy. It displays a black background and uses grayish-white font color for search results. Considering the popularity of the search engine, these colors supposedly consume less energy. But, more importantly, the site is a reminder for people to take small steps in their everyday lives to save energy.

Among one of the most fun Google logo alternatives was the recent observance of the 30th birthday of Pac-Man. This interactive logo contained an accurate recreation of the Pac-Man game that could be played in a browser. Google later released a permanent Google Pac-Man site. Another geeky way to have fun with Google is by designing your own home page at Google My Way. Give it a try. I promise you won't be disappointed!

Stirring Up Changes

Seattle's Best has joined the ranks of familiar companies updating their logo's look.

New Logo Unveiled

As with all new things, there are some pretty harsh words flying around about it. What's your opinion about the new design? Grab a cup of coffee, and tell us about it.

Contributed by: Jenna Wise

And the American Graphic Design Award goes to ...



Kudos to our Visual Design Department who recently was recognized for four brands by American Graphic Design and Advertising.

Carnival Cruise Lines: Drainpipe logo
Carnival Cruise Lines: Twister logo
FUJIFILM Medical Systems: Synapse logo
PPG: VIVATI Collection logo

Kristin Everidge, Manager of Visual Branding for Addison Whitney, commented, "It has been an honor to be a part of ADGA’s annual awards for the past 12 years. The 2010 winners represent a synergy between the core competencies of our organization, which include naming and design work for these clients. Because of our iterative and collaborative processes with these clients, we share the credit for these awards with Carnival Cruise Lines, FUJIFILM and PPG."