Welcome to Brands We Love Week 2016!

Welcome to the third annual edition of Brands We Love Week! All week, we will be revealing what brands our resident brand fanatics thought stood out this year. Whether it was because of something they did, or a great experience they had with a brand, Brands We Love Week is a chance to tell our favorite brand stories! If you missed the inaugural series, you can catch up here, and check out Brands We Love 2015 here.

Additionally, we want to hear who you'd add to the list! Let us know what brands you loved in 2016, using the hashtag ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬, or let us know directly on Twitter @AddisonWhitney.

Kicking off this year's Brands We Love is Betsy, who is a huge fan of the Goldie Blox brand:betsy_lard

"Goldie Blox has been a great new entry into learning and STEM focused toys that are also girl focused.

With two girls at home, I'm always looking for strong female influences and role models. Goldie Blox combines play, learning, building and reading, so we can have fun together in different ways."

Dave is up next with a pair of great brands he loved - Spotify and Levi's:img_1044

"Exploring new music is something I consider vital and while I may not be able to justify spending money on it like I did when I was 23, Spotify allows me to keep finding and enjoying new stuff. It’s also great for work, helping me to focus when I need to get into a creative state of mind.

Levi’s manages to find a perfect balance for me – I can pledge loyalty to an established, trusted branded, while the number system for different cuts of jeans allows me the cognitive dissonance necessary to maintain a sense of individuality and personalization."

We wrap up day one of Brands We Love by kicking up our boots with Susan and her favorite brand, Frye:img_1045

"I chose Frye because I have a little bit of a shoe obsession but boots in particular.  Frye is a very high quality and well crafted boot that feels good and consistently delivers a stylish yet long lasting beautiful product.

The fit of every pair I own is precise and after an initial “break in period” feels like a well tailored custom shoe that was designed just for me. They look good, feel good and when I purchase a pair I know I am getting a quality product that will last."

Day two of Brands We Love week starts off with Cathleen and a brand that helped her stay connected halfway across the world, Viber!img_1032

"Living in Australia for most of 2016, Viber made it easy to connect with my family and friends. I was able to celebrate with my parents on the day I got engaged using the video function. Now that I'm living in America, I use it every day to talk to my fiancee. I even got my 88-year-old grandmother to install it when she travelled to Italy and was able to check in on her adventures.

Thanks to Viber, I'm closer than ever with the people that mean the most to me no matter the distance!"

Hungry? Then you'll love Ashley's brand she loves, Chef Alyssa's Kitchen!ashley_chaffin

"The brand I’ve been most impressed with in 2016 is Charlotte’s own Chef Alyssa’s Kitchen. They’ve created a signature look and feel that they maintain throughout their kitchen, at events and online.

When you’re at Chef Alyssa’s, everything is their signature green from the recipes books to the mixers to the tool box of kitchen supplies.  Outside of the cooking, they’ve created an atmosphere of great customer service that makes it a great place to learn a new skill."

Kyle rounds out day two of Brands We Love week on a positive note with his favorite brand of the year, Life is Good:img_1059

"Life Is Good: I have always known of this brand, but once I learned of the history and what makes it so successful, I was hooked. From the two brothers selling t-shirts out of their van in Back Bay, Boston to becoming an uplifting global brand, Life Is Good has stayed true to their roots. They have found a way to invoke a feeling of hope and positivity in all they do.

The company's mission to spread the power of optimism, is just so relatable and easy to connect with. I encourage any and everyone to just take a glance at the their website for some awesome and encouraging stories to brighten your day! 'Life is not easy. Life is not perfect. Life is good.'"

Stacy leads off the midway point of Brands We Love week with a trio of brands that make life easier, with the added bonus of brands who also give back, Amazon, Venmo and TOMS:img_1057

"With Amazon, specifically Amazon Prime, I get TV shows, movies and TWO DAY FREE SHIPPING! Also, you have the option to send a percentage of your purchase to a charity of your choice with Amazon Smiles.

I think Venmo is one of the greatest inventions of all time. My friends and I go out to eat (a lot) so it’s easier to not split a check and just "Venmo people" to pay them back.  Also, it’s easier to pay coworkers back since I never have cash.

TOMS: Comfortable shoes that give a pair shoes to someone in need. What more can I say?"

We continue our Wednesday spotlight with Jennifer and Carolina Shuckers, a brand that not only brings back wonderful memories, but helps spread those memories to those she cares about!

img_1053"As a native North Carolinian and growing up with frequent trips to the eastern part of the state, oysters were an early part of my childhood, and over the years, my love for them has only grown. I love reminiscing with my family about that one Christmas Eve my parents were stuck in a cold mechanic’s garage, putting together a kitchen play set, while the rest of the family was at the local oyster bar. Believe me, 30+ years later, I still don’t think they’re over it.

When a dear friend decided to move home to Florida from Charlotte, I knew I wanted to send her on her way with something that would hopefully remind her of me and the state I hold so close to my heart. She had only recently discovered an affinity for oysters and when I found Carolina Shuckers, I knew that a hand-forged oyster knife, handcrafted in the town my little family now spends our summer vacations in, was the perfect going away gift.

The gift, for me, wasn’t just about the knife. It was more about the experiences I grew up with, those that we had shared together and the ones she’ll share with her old and new friends back home. If a brand can establish that type of relationship with me, it belongs on my short list of favorites."


Kelly brings Brands We Love day to a close with three brands that fill her days and make her life better, Coca-Cola, Hallmark and Bath and Body Works!img_1031

"I love Coca-Cola as it is always focusing on the positive. The "Share a Coke with..." campaign was great and really encouraged a community atmosphere. Plus I love the soda!

Hallmark is all about creating positive and fun experiences, how could you not love that?

I have a problem with this Bath and Body Works... namely that I have an serious love for the products. I have enough lotion and candles to supply an army!"

Kaitlin is giving us a great start to day four of Brands We Love week, with brands whose strengths extend far beyond just their amazing products, TCBY and inkWELL Press!

"Since opening in 1981, the TCBY brand has stood the test of time! When ice cream shops transitioned to frozen yogurt, TCBY adjusted their logo and adapted to the newest trends. The vibrant logo is hard to miss and the ingredients are always fresh. This brand reminds me of my childhood and was a fan favorite in my house this year!

A friend introduced me to inkWELL Press in 2015, but I was not a full believer until I purchased my first daily docket notepad and planner this year. The founder of this company is a family-oriented, organized and hard-working woman, which spoke to me immediately. Her mission is to help women find peace through productivity and organization, two things that I am super passionate about. I am excited to try out my new planner in the new year and grow my inkWELL press love!"

Wendy continues our Thursday edition of Brands We Love with a brand that makes both dogs and dog owners happy, Subaru!wendy_jacobs

"Subaru shows a lot of dogs in their advertising, knowing that their audience loves dogs.

Even when I went in to the Subaru dealer for service, their waiting room was dog-friendly with treats and a Subaru-branded dog pillow for my fur baby to sleep on while we waited."

Need to get somewhere quickly and stay connected? Then Lisa's two favorite brands - Waze and Snapchat - are for you!lisa_overman

"Waze is vital in helping me get to work on time (most days)!

Snapchat gives me another chance to communicate with my teenagers since Facebook and Instagram are apparently for 'old people!'"


We have come to the final day of this year's edition of Brands We Love week, and Matt is starting us off with a brand that stands out across the board, Ole Mason Jar!img_1072

"This is a brand that has its priorities in all the right places. Their brand's mission is dedicated to providing high quality products made in North Carolina, giving back to help make a positive impact in the world and embracing a lifestyle they are passionate about.

When a brand can achieve success in their products while also establishing a positive emotional connection with consumers, it's a rare and appreciated combination. It doesn't hurt that they are based in Charlotte and have helped make my hometown a better place, and I always love supporting local brands!"

We continue our love of local brands with Joshira and her trio of favorites, AerialCLT, Move That Dough and Lenny Boy!joshira_maduro

"For me, 2016 solidified my love for local brands!  AerialCLT is more than just a brand; it is my community; this gym knows how to get its students heavily involved and invested in the studio’s growth and treats everyone like family. It was born from the heart of one woman’s passion and has blossomed into a community of over 1,000 regular students! I loved it so much; I became a part-time teacher this year!

Move That Dough baking company is a gem of a traveling bakery with the BEST doughnutsI’ve ever had (and I’ve had plenty of doughnuts)! They are delicious and made vegan with organic ingredients - their strawberry doughnut has real strawberries on top (my personal favorite)! Not only do they make you feel good eating, but the founder, Kacie, is very passionate about food education and the arts, so she is always supporting local art shows and even volunteered to make lunches for low income schools!

Lastly, Lenny Boy has become my favorite place to grab a kombucha and relax on Sundays. Their kombucha flavors are so good, and they pride themselves on using organic ingredients as well. They are also very engaged with the community and have created great partnerships with other local brands."

Last but certainly not least for Brands We Love 2016 is Olivia, who has three brands that definitely close our this edition on a high note, Philosophy, 9Round Fitness and Nowait!olivia_cain

"I love how Philosophy brands their skin care products. It is very clean and simple, just like the their motto of embracing all things natural! 

I’m semi-obsessed with the 9Round concept. A different workout for nine rounds with a 30-second break in between is a total body work out in under 30 minutes. Count me in! The trainers push you till you cannot be pushed anymore, and it’s over before you know it – all at a reasonable price. This unique and fun workout, and with no class times is extremely hard to pass up.

With the Nowait app, the wait is over! There are so many great restaurants that don’t take reservations and it can be huge turn-off to hear you have a two-hour wait. With the Nowait app, you can put your name on the list while you’re still getting ready and check in on your spot in line. This app is such a great idea in a big city with so many options."


Chubbies is a men’s online clothing retailer that I, a female customer, look forward to perusing when shopping for the men in my life. The Chubbies brand has reinvigorated shorts for men.chubstrans Their aesthetic is unique - slightly tailored and boldly patterned, complete with their signature short inseam. As my brother famously says, “They don’t call them longs!”

One of the goals of the brand is to outfit men in shorts for every occasion; they have shorts for summer, winter, tailgate and formal occasions. And though the style of the shorts is notable, the lifestyle that Chubbies promotes is really what we’re all really buying into.

Chubbies has clearly defined what it is to be a “bro” in a world filled with nine-to-fivers and squares - and if you fit that description, Chubbies shorts allow you to live a double life. As they promise their customers, “When you put on your Chubbies, you know it's time to relax, crack open an ice cold beer, and have some fun.”

This "bro" IMG_8224_1024x1024mentality is promoted through witty website copy that feels more like friendly banter among friends than standard fare copy for a website. Chubbies shorts have names like “The Khakmeisters,” “The Clubmander in Chiefs,” and “The Victory Bells.” Their tagline, “sky’s out, thighs out,” clearly illustrates when they feel is the most appropriate time to wear Chubbies shorts- always.

Not a big reader? Chubbies has you covered on their website, www.chubbiesshorts.com, with humorously epic photos. Picture a shirtless fellow on the ridge of a ski slope: his phy
sique is average, his stance is confident and comically determined, his Chubbies have an 1980s-inspired ski motif. Or, imagine a clean-cut patriotic gent running down the beach, proverbial guns blazing, in American Flag print shorts. A flag in on hand, a beer in the other, ‘Merica.

Customer communications also follow suit. If you decide to give the company a call, a real-live guy picks right up and says “Hey dude, what’s up?” No automatic, robot-voice activated customer service shenanigans. Chubbies email order confirmations flaunt phrases like “You done did it!”IMG_7037_1024x1024

Even their FAQ page is packed with branded gems such as, “Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared; men wearing Chubbies are all of the above.”

The Chubbies brand is a success because they don’t just dabble in this “bro” persona, they embrace if from all angles.

In short (pun intended), the Chubbies experience is unexpectedly inspiring. Though they’re selling men’s clothing, the Chubbies concept is gender-less and timeless - fearlessly seize the day in shorts and a smile. It’s enough to make anyone want to crack open a cold one and set sail on the next schooner to YOLOland.

All images via chubbiesshorts.com

Brands We Loved in 2014

Welcome to Brands We Love Week! All week, we will be revealing what brands were our favorite this year, and we want to hear who you'd add to the list! Let us know what brands you loved in 2014, using the hashtag ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬.

Our first brand fan is Lizzy, who chose UberFlywheel Sports and NPR!Lizzy BW 2 Text

"Although Uber has been around for a number of years it seems 2014 was the brand's breakout year. It has infiltrated itself into the lifestyle (and vocabulary) of most 20 and 30-somethings living in metropolitan areas. The convenience, reliability and cost of using Uber has changed how I operate. I use it to get almost anywhere on the weekends and has become the only way I get to and from the airport.

I was first introduced to Flywheel in 2013 but my love for the brand was solidified in 2014. As cliché as it may sound, I love how they make fitness fun, and the brand experience is on point from start to finish. Branded workout experiences create a sense of community and belonging that you can't necessarily find at a larger gym. And Flywheel has been one of the brands at the forefront of this movement and I love watching it grow. Although a very established brand, I never truly understood the value of this brand until 2014.

Prior to this year I only thought of NPR as a great place to learn about new music/bands but that changed this year. I have also come to love more than just the information they report but also the hosts of NPR. I have started to feel a comfort and trust in them, two things every brand strives for."

Kelsey BW 1 TextOur next brand fan is Kelsey and her favorite brand, Chubbies!

"The Chubbies brand is a success because they don’t just dabble in this “bro” persona, they embrace if from all angles. In short (pun intended) the Chubbies experience is unexpectedly inspiring.

Though they’re selling men’s clothing, the Chubbies concept is genderless and timeless- fearlessly seize the day in shorts and a smile!"

Christa BW 1 TextRounding out the first day of our week is Christa, who chose Trader Joe's as the Brand She Loved in 2014.

"I love the brand because I enjoy the shopping experience, the friendly staff and plentiful samples. I'm also never let down by the tasty food and low prices!"

Beth Anne BW 1 TextOur first brand fanatic for day 2 is Beth Anne, whose favorite brands include Warby ParkerGEUber and Fitbit:

"Warby Parker – They take a very innovative approach to the eyeglass market with their “one for one” policy. It’snew way to engage an audience and make the process fun and convenient.

GE – They are a leader in the industrial Internet revolution. PR placements and ads are really interesting – they advance the GE brand and reinforce its reputation as an innovator.

Uber - It has been a game changer. It's interesting to see what providing a convenient choice can do to a seemingly stagnant industry and service. Fitbit – They are making fitness more personalized and syncing with technology."

We’re continuing day 2 with Karlie and her choice, Jeep!Karlie BW 2 Text

“Jeep is my absolute favorite brand. Not only is there a Jeep for every lifestyle, but Jeep does an amazing job of building them so that the everyday person can repair them.

Most brands make their products so that only they can make repairs, thus bringing in more revenue. Jeep knows their audience is "do-it-yourself-ers" so they've pretty much made their vehicles like a Mr. Potato Head. If you want to add or modify anything, there are already holes and guides built into the stock frame to show you where to put it. They've also taken great care to make products that mold to your everyday life.”

Matt BW 3 TextRounding out Tuesday’s edition of ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ is Matt, who picked a trio of his favorite brands – Apple, the Charlotte Hornets and State Traditions!

“Apple - They once again showed the world how powerful the brand can be with the launch of their new products. It always amazes me when a brand has such loyal customers and yet keeps pushing the limits and not resting on their laurels. They could just release similar products with minor upgrades every now and then and go count their cash. Instead, they try and change the game with each launch, despite the risks.

Charlotte Hornets - The Charlotte Hornets brand is one of the most powerful and well-respected in the Charlotte area. Their return in 2014 saw are resurgence in passion for the NBA in the city, and also gave residents another sense of hometown pride.

State Traditions - This is a brand that not only has great products and one that inspires great brand loyalty from its customers, but it realizes the value of small business and helping them grow. Their website recently opened the "ST Market" where they feature local artists and businesses right next to the State Traditions products. They know how their consumers value well-made products and will be happy to support smaller businesses when they can see the potential and the quality produced.”

Day 3 of #BrandsWeLove week starts appropriately with Ben and a company that has helped many people get their day off to a good start, Rush Coffee!Ben BW 2 Text

“Because they have such an awesome environment for coffee, work and conversation. They also have an epically beneficial phone app and their coffee is money.”

Cathleen BW 1 TextCathleen is our next brand fanatic for day 3, with her ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ selection – Trader Joe's!

“Every time I go into the store, the staff is so friendly. They talk to me personally and are genuine. The products are always on point as promised, the store is always neat and organized and the environment is consistent.”

A very special final post for day 3 of ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ week, RJ chose brands that are very close to his heart and the heart of Addison Whitney -Blushing RJ BW 2 TextHair and Makeup StylingThe Crafted Pop, and Trees & Ink Printique!

"The brands I loved this year are our own little brands - I love small business. They are so exciting. I'm excited for the brands created by Addison Whitney team members and family members.”

It’s Day 4 of #BrandsWeLove week, and Jennifer’s classic brand she Jennifer BW 1 Textloves, American Girl, is starting the day!

“I WISH American Girl had been around when I was growing up – I wouldn’t have to live vicariously through my daughter!

From its beginnings, the American Girl has sought to bring historical awareness and now 21st century issues into homes through its dolls. American Girl celebrates girls – their individual personalities, their strengths and weaknesses, overcoming trials.Each doll offers an opportunity for girls (and parents!) to be immersed in not only the doll’s story, but an opportunity to learn more about themselves and the world happening around them. The brand delivers consistently – at every touch point you can see their mission coming to life.”

Kaitlin 1 BW TextKaitlin continues day 4 rocking and rolling with her two ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ picks, Spotify and Hilliard Studio Method (HSM)!

“Spotify: Although this music streaming service has been around since 2008, I believe it became most popular this year! I heard a lot of friends and coworkers talking about Spotify, but never thought to give it a chance. I finally made the move and downloaded it in August of this year. I was blown away with how many old songs and artists it featured. I went from listening to the “Free” application to subscribing and paying per month for unlimited searches, playlists and “skips.” I have been so satisfied with Spotify and would certainly agree that it is one of the most popular music streaming services to date. I am extremely thankful for Spotify these days –I get to listen to ENDLESS Christmas music all day long!

HSM: I had a few friends rant and rave about HSM in 2013, but it wasn’t until I was preparing for my May 2014 wedding that I decided to start. I went into my first class in January of 2014 a little unsure and left feeling exhausted and totally excited! I had finally found a total-body workout that pushed me to my extreme limit. I continued to become an HSM-obsessed client and was going to class at least 6 times a week! I looked the best I ever had at my wedding and have continued to maintain my obsession with this studio and plan to do so forever!”

Rachel is up next with some great choices to add to the ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ library! The brands she loved in 2014 are HondaBed Bath & Beyond,Trader Joe's & Cheerios!

Rachel BW 1 Text“Honda: I bought my first car this summer and not only did I walk away with a great price (they had great deals for recent grads), I still get occasional calls from the guy who sold it to me, asking how everything's working!

Bed, Bath & Beyond: While some other stores failed to stock even a single pack of Chanukah candles, I found a beautiful selection at BB&B, as well as a few other items I didn't even know I needed! The service was also very friendly and on top of their game at a very busy shopping period.

Trader Joe's: I just recently re-discovered Trader Joe's after a long period of living too far from one to shop there. They have such great, healthy food selections at very competitive prices. I'm falling in love all over again!

Cheerios: Cheerios rocked it this year with heart-warming, socially progressive commercials featuring low-income parents working multiple jobs, multi-racial families, gay couples, and people with disabilities. Though the ads are ultimately selling cereal, they are also offering a more real and diverse picture of American life than is typically seen on screen.”

Lily BW 1 Text The TGIF edition of ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ kicks off with Lily and a great choice for her favorite brand, Target!

“They offered me free shipping during the holidays and sent me a replacement product immediately when they had packaged the wrong one!”

Chris 1 BW TextLast, but definitely not least, is Chris, who closes out ‪#‎BrandsWeLove‬ by choosing Starbucks for his favorite brand, which we think many people would agree with!

“Starbucks is quietly about so much more than coffee. While they sell what we use for energy, they fuel so much more. As "the third place" they are not home nor work but feel just as comfortable.

It has been clear they want to stay that way as any negative experience I've had has quickly been turned into a positive one by their staff. Their mobile app is one of the few that I use often as well.”

Follow us on Twitter @AddisonWhitney or join the conversation on Facebook and Google+