Presidential Branding



The Few, the Proud, the Marines. What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Got Milk? Isn't it amazing how one line of words can galvanize an entire brand personality?   

Presidential candidates have been hip to the power of taglines for a while.  Here are some goodies:

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Names you can bank on

In an industry as dynamic as banking, names are especially prone to being outgrown. So when an institution realizes its name is not memorable, searchable, or functional anymore . . . well, it’s always changeable.

A fresh identity can provide:

An Umbrella for Growth
In today’s global economy, more and more financial institutions are expanding beyond their original scopes for markets and services, and local names are simply too limiting.

  • People's Bank changed to People's United Bank to accommodate its plans for growth
  • Royal Bank of Canada uses RBC as the master brand for its worldwide financial services, allowing for inclusivity and global presence without confusion
  • State Street Boston dropped Boston to speak to a broader audience
  • A Simplified Brand
    Taking a bland name and giving it a fresh, unique identity.

  • Washington Mutual gradually changed its name to the friendly and memorable WaMu
  • Citi is the sleek new unified global brand for Citigroup Inc
  • National Bank of Commerce swapped its traditional moniker for the light and lyrical name, Cadence Bank
    Merger Marketing
    Mergers are very common in the banking industry and retaining the positive brand associations from both previous names can help with an easy transition.
  • The Bank of New York merged with Mellon Financial Corporation to form The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation
  • TD Banknorth Inc. said it will change its name to TD Commerce Bank following its purchase of a New Jersey institution, Commerce Bancorp Inc
  • Contributed by: Maghan Cook

    Are consumers really consuming?

    con•sum•er (n.)
    • One who, or that which, consumes
    • A person or organization that uses a commodity or service
    • An individual who purchases goods for personal use as distinguished from commercial use

    Consumer is a word we use a lot in the branding industry, but is that really accurate? A National Geographic Special, Human Footprint, sheds some light on just how much we consume in a lifetime.

    So how much of what we buy do we actually use? Not much. Our per capita trash disposal rate in 2006 was 4.6 pounds per person, per day, and more than half of that went directly to landfills, where trash is buried and unable to decompose naturally. Landfills release one-fourth of all methane, a gas that contributes to global warming and, despite careful engineering, landfills leak liquids into the groundwater.

    The fact of the matter is that when you purchase something as a consumer, you are paying for a lot: the energy used to produce it, the cost to package it, the electricity to store it, the gas to haul it, the trash collection to rid of it (a 47 billion dollar per year business in America), and ultimately, the toll its disposal takes on the environment.

    So in the spirit of earth week, take these tips on how to be a more efficient consumer:
    • Recycle
    • Buy less
    • Buy local
    • Pay attention to packaging
    • Buy recycled products
    • Donate used items

    Stay tuned for Kristin’s post on Visualizing our Human Footprint.

    Contributed by: Maghan Cook

    Review of PTMG Speaking Engagement

    On April 1, 2008 Brannon Cashion, Senior Vice President of Addison Whitney, spoke at the Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG) in Dublin, Ireland. Brannon addressed the topic, from a brand consultant’s perspective, of launching a new pharmaceutical brand name. Thanks to Jeremy Phillips and IPKat team for reviewing the conference.

    By: Trista Thielker