Big Hearted Brands

What do TOMS Shoes, The Gap, and the United Nations Development Group all have in common? These organizations, along with many others, are making an earnest effort to make the world a better place.

"Cause branding" is becoming a popular medium for companies, organizations, and their customers, to show support for humanitarian issues and promote social responsibility. Stay tuned for posts about new products you can buy that not only look good, but will make you feel good too!

Contributed by Laine Beyerl

Juicy Naming

Always Anonymous. Always Juicy.

Admit it. Even though you know there is no chance that this blog will contain anything “juicy” enough to require anonymity, you read on . . .

Sure, does what a provocative name is supposed to do; it draws attention to itself. Thousands of students across college campuses log on to the website each day. But is the risqué name somehow inspiring risqué content on the site?
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Dog-Gone Marketing


Man’s best friend has become a marketer’s dream. It’s no longer simply designer carriers and rhinestone-studded leashes. Today’s pups are surrounded by as many luxury labels and fashion trends as the rest of us. With clever brand names to boot.
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Nickname it!

I’m going to hop in my Beamer and grab some Mickey D’s for lunch!

I guarantee that you understood exactly what I meant when you read that sentence. In today’s world, we’ve become accustomed to using nicknames in place of brand names, but have you ever stopped to wonder HOW these brand names become nicknames? Sure, we all have a natural tendency to abbreviate, but do certain nicknames have a meaning?

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Lovemark Branding

Lovemarks. No, I’m not talking about the possible cause for a rapid increase in turtle neck sales among high school girls. According to Kevin Roberts, author of Lovemarks: The Future Beyond Brands, making an emotional connection with your consumers, earning their respect and love, will yield brand loyalty.
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Big Oil Branding

With gas prices at a record high, it was surprising to hear that consumers are marking their gas purchase decisions based upon product performance rather than price. I thought I was alone in being brand loyal, but I am glad to hear that is not the case. According to research by the NPD Group, this marks a shift in consumer behavior after a decade of decline in gas purchases due to product performance.

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Word of the Day: Antonomasia

antonomasia (an-tihn-uh-MAY-zha)
Latin word, from the Greek antonomazein, meaning “to name instead”
anti- {instead of} + onomazein{to name (from onoma, name)}

1. The substitution of a title or epithet for a proper name, as in calling a judge "Your Honor."
2. The substitution of a personal name for a common noun to designate a member of a group or class, as in calling a traitor a "Benedict Arnold."
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Man Brands

Looking for a belated Father’s Day gift? Lucky for you, it’s 2008, and the male shopper has become an increasingly sought-after demographic. There are loads of ‘man-brands’ lining the shelves these days that are perfect for the occasion.Read more