Employee Feature: Vince Budd

brand salsa is pleased to feature some of our finest … each week we’ll randomly select an inVentiv employee to showcase on the blog. Wanna get your mug online? Just shoot me an email and I’ll tell you how much … I mean, how.

Vince Budd:  Semi-Pro
Vince Budd
Job Title and Company: Senior Vice President for Addison Whitney
The Details:

What's in your Netflix / Blockbuster Queue right now: I don’t have either but I anxiously await the release (June 3rd) of Semi-Pro with Will Ferrell

What's playing in your iPod right now: A lot of U2, Cold Play and the Walk the Line Soundtrack (Johnny Cash)

Big Mac or Whopper?: Haven’t eaten either in almost 10 years…..I might as well just grab a stapler and staple it to my back side. If I had to pick – Whopper with no mayo.

Employee Feature: Elizabeth McGaha

brand salsa is pleased to feature some of our finest … each week we’ll randomly select an inVentiv employee to showcase on the blog. Wanna get your mug online? Just shoot me an email and I’ll tell you how much … I mean, how.

Elizabeth McGahaYour Name: Elizabeth McGaha 
Job Title and Company: Senior Market Research Analyst for Addison Whitney
Fill in the blank:

  • If I could have a super power, it would be: shape-shifting
  • What's playing in my iPod right now:  Alex Parks
  • Big Mac or Whopper?:  Neither, vegetarian

  • Employee Feature: Natasha Kempf

    brand salsa is pleased to feature some of our finest … each week we’ll randomly select an inVentiv employee to showcase on the blog. Wanna get your mug online? Just shoot me an email and I’ll tell you how much … I mean, how.

    Natasha Kempf

    Your Name:
    Natasha Kempf
    Job Title and Company: Controller (aka - Queen of the MONEY) for Addison Whitney
    Fill in the blank: "On a road trip, my staple convenience store purchase is Hot Boiled Peanuts and Beer"

    Employee Feature: Sarah Goff

    brand salsa is pleased to feature some of our finest … each week we’ll randomly select an inVentiv employee to showcase on the blog. Wanna get your mug online? Just shoot me an email and I’ll tell you how much … I mean, how.

    Sarah Goff

    Your Name:
    Sarah Goff
    Job Title and Company: Director of Project Management for Addison Whitney...i.e. jack of all trades
    Fill in the blank: “On a road trip, my staple convenience store purchase is a Slurpee (accept no imitations).”

    Putting Heads…Teambuilding on the Greens




    Putt-Putt, why do they name it twice? If the answer is because of how many times you have to hit it to make it in, then in my case, it would be called “Putt, putt, putt, putt, putt...”

    Earlier this month, my department took a field trip. This is a new thing for us: a fun, creative voyage that we plan once a month to refuel our creativity by surrounding ourselves with inspiring environments. Our first outing…Putt-Putt. The scenery set the perfect stage to rouse our over-pared creative energy. It was a perfect spring-like day, the birds were chirping, kids playing in the distance, the sound of streaming waterfalls, and us, six women with dreams of being the Tiger Woods of miniature golf.
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    Welcome Sascha-Marcel Poschet

    Addison Whitney is pleased to announce the addition of Sascha-Marcel Poschet to the company. Sascha is the latest addition to the global healthcare team, where he has taken the role of brand consultant and will be joining our team in Munich, Germany.  Sascha, with more than four years of sales experience in the pharmaceutical industry and over 12 years of business development and marketing experience, will be a wonderful addition to the company.  Welcome to the team Sascha!

    By: Trista Thielker

    You Do What for a Living?

    “Wow is that like branding a cow?” or “You must be really creative to do that!” … That’s what people say when I tell them what I do for a living.

    My name is Kelly, and I am a “brand namer,” a Senior Associate of Verbal Branding to be exact. "You guys must sit around in beanbag chairs and come up with names all day” or “That must be such a cool, easy job” are among other statements that I hear often. While we do sometimes brainstorm in beanbag chairs, and it is a cool job to talk about with others, naming doesn’t always come so easy, and although I like to think I possess a spark of creativity, it’s not as simple as thinking of a clever name, writing it down, and it magically appearing on a package. It’s actually much more than that…
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