Addison Whitney Helping Hands Event: Million Meal Mission

Addison Whitney recently attended a mobile food packing event hosted by Harrison United Methodist Church in Ballantyne for starving children in Haiti, the Philippines and more than 60 countries around the world. In partnership with Samaritans International and the "Feed My Starving Children" organization, the "Million Meal Mission" food packing event supports children in impoverished living conditions through nutritional support. This was a community-wide event for local businesses, civic organizations and churches with a goal of having 1,700 volunteers pack 350,000 (of the 1 million) meals in 3 days.

FMSC has developed a food mixture that is easy and safe to transport. Preparation only requires boiling water and it is culturally acceptable all over the world. With the input of scientists from major food companies, FMSC developed MannaPack™, a formula consisting of rice, soy, vitamins, minerals, dehydrated vegetables and chicken flavoring.

In an assembly-line fashion, volunteers measure the ingredients and package the meals in small pouches. The formula was designed to save the lives of severely malnourished and starving children but the ingredients also improve the health, growth and physical well-being of children who are no longer in immediate danger of starvation. A single bag of food provides meals for six children.

5,000 plus volunteers and businesses around Charlotte and Union County packed 1,019,304 meals during the mobile packing events at Mineral Springs UMC, Harrison UMC and Oasis Shrine. These meals will provide enough food for 2,793 poverty stricken children for one full year!

Please visit the Feed My Starving Children website for information on how you can help!

And the American Graphic Design Award goes to ...



Kudos to our Visual Design Department who recently was recognized for four brands by American Graphic Design and Advertising.

Carnival Cruise Lines: Drainpipe logo
Carnival Cruise Lines: Twister logo
FUJIFILM Medical Systems: Synapse logo
PPG: VIVATI Collection logo

Kristin Everidge, Manager of Visual Branding for Addison Whitney, commented, "It has been an honor to be a part of ADGA’s annual awards for the past 12 years. The 2010 winners represent a synergy between the core competencies of our organization, which include naming and design work for these clients. Because of our iterative and collaborative processes with these clients, we share the credit for these awards with Carnival Cruise Lines, FUJIFILM and PPG."

Healthcare Group Elves

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Andy Cuykendall, aka Peppy Mistletoe
Favorite Holiday Movie? It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Holiday Treat? Pizelle Italian Cookies
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Decorating the tree to Frank Sinatra
How do you Trim your Tree? Lights and ornaments - No tinsel or garland
Favorite Reindeer? Blitzen

Bill Purdy, aka Peppermiz Bingaling
Favorite Holiday Movie? A Christmas Story
Favorite Holiday Treat? Bourbon Eggnog
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Fondue on Christmas Eve
How do you Trim your Tree? Generations of hand-made ornaments. NO TINSEL!
Favorite Reindeer? Vixen

Marketing Elves

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Ninh Nguyen, aka Bijou Mistletoe
Favorite Holiday Movie? Home Alone
Favorite Holiday Treat? Pumpkin Pie
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Ice skating outside at the uptown rink
How do you Trim your Tree? I'm eco friendly -- I have a plastic one
Favorite Reindeer? Dancer-- since I like the show "So you think you can dance"

Brooke Sanders, aka Nipper Tum-Tums
Favorite Holiday Movie? Elf
Favorite Holiday Treat? Chocolate Peanut Squares, Breakfast Casserole
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Sitting in front of the fire, reading a book, and drinking hot chocolate with the Christmas tree lit up and Christmas music playing in the background
How do you Trim your Tree? Christmas ornaments that my mom has bought me--one every year since I was born
Favorite Reindeer? Rudolph

Verbal Branding Elves

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Ashley Hollingsworth, aka Zippy Angel-Pants
Favorite Movie: Elf
Favorite Treat: Chocolate covered cherries…sometimes I think I might be the only one that feels this way.
How do you trim your tree? Balls, lights, a big giant star and strings of little red beads.
Favorite Tradition: Baking cookies for Santa
Favorite Reindeer: Comet

Maghan Cook, aka Batty Bing-a-Ling
Favorite Movie: A Very Brady Christmas
Favorite Treat: Chocolate Covered Pretzels
How do you trim your tree? Colored lights (LED, of course), and a flimsy, too-small, slightly crooked star on top because it makes me laugh
Favorite Tradition: Cinnamon rolls first thing Christmas morning
Favorite Reindeer: Donner and Blitzen (because, NERD ALERT, I learned recently mean Thunder and Lightning in German)

Jenna Wise, aka Bouncy Candy-Lips
Favorite Movie: A Christmas Story
Favorite Treat: Moms Fruit Cocktail / Dream Whip Salad
Favorite Tradition: 24 hours of A Christmas Story on TNT, I watch the movie once on Christmas Eve and NO LESS than four times on Christmas Day (what?)
What do you trim your tree with? Colors for the last few years have been silver, dark blue and teal plus the introduction of a new ornament every year.
Favorite Reindeer: Vixen, duh. And Dancer. It's too hard to choose!

Joanne Lee, aka Cheerful Tum-Tums
Favorite Movie: The Year Without Santa Claus
Favorite Treat: White Trash
Favorite Tradition: Egg hunt! ... no, that's not right... Fireworks! ... no, no, doesn't sound right either ... Drinking green beer! Yes, that's it.
What do you trim your tree with? Hedge Clippers :)
Favorite Reindeer: Blitzen-- cuz he must drink lots of eggnog (and green beer) with a nickname like that.

Paula Weigel, aka Dingy Twinkle-Toes
Favorite Movie: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Favorite Treat: Philly Cheese Balls & Brie Bites (no way I can pick just one)
Favorite Tradition: Decorating the day after Thanksgiving.
What do you trim your tree with? Hand-made ornaments from my childhood
Favorite Reindeer: Donner ... or Donder ... whatever his name is, I like it!

Visual Branding Manager Elf

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Kristin Everidge, aka Beaker Twinkle-Toes

Favorite Holiday Movie? Elf

Favorite Holiday Treat? Ham Delights

Favorite Holiday Tradition? Drinking wassail (hot spiced punch) at my grandmothers on Christmas Eve. I only get to have it once a year

What do you trim your tree with? Ornaments collected over the years.

Favorite Reindeer? Rudolph!

Elfing Addison Whitney


Santa's not the only person who needs helpers... so thanks to a little help from and, brandsalsa is officially dedicating the month of December to the hard-working crew at Addison Whitney. Check back often to see our team as you've never seen them before!

Theravance and Astellas Announce FDA Approval of VIBATIV(TM) (telavancin)

Vibativ was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of complicated skin and skin structure infections.

"We are very pleased with the FDA's approval of VIBATIV, and extremely excited about the prospect of bringing this new medicine to the market," said Rick E Winningham, Theravance's Chief Executive Officer. "This is a significant event that marks the first approved indication for VIBATIV and validates Theravance's strategies in drug discovery and development. We believe that VIBATIV will become an important medicine addressing the urgent medical need for new antibiotics to treat Gram-positive infections caused by MRSA."

Just don’t call me Grandma!

Today, right now even, pick up the phone and call your grandmother or grandfather in honor of National Grandparents Day.

But as you scroll through your contacts, what name are you looking for? We surveyed our team in search of the most unusual grandparent naming. From the most traditional to the young and hip, we found that everyone has a story to tell about their own Jinx and Boompa. Here’s our list:

Grandma, Grandmommy, Grandmama, Granny, Grammy, Gramma, Grammy, Granna, Gra-Gra, Mom-mom, Mah-mah, Mam-maw, Me-maw, Mami, Oma, Nana, Missy, Manny, Ninni, Toppi,
Mimi, GiGi, Honey, Banana, Jinx

Grandpa, Grandaddy, Grampa, Grampy, Pa, Papa, Paw-Paw, Papaw, Opa, Poppy, Poppi, Papi, Pop-Pop, Bampa, Buppa, Boompa

Marian McQuade campaigned for National Grandparents Day, which became official in 1978. She wanted to strengthen the bond between grandparents and grandchildren and to champion the cause of lonely people in nursing homes.

If you don't have any living grandparents, you can visit older adults in area nursing homes or assisted living centers. Some of our AW Helping Hands volunteers have done this through Hands on Charlotte. We can’t guarantee that your new friends will let you call them Granny or Poppy, but we know they’ll be happy to see you…and they might let you call the letters at Bingo.

Red, White, and BRAND!


Contributed by Carrie Friedrich