So it looks like this year’s Super Bowl will be the Saints versus the Colts. Boring. Bring on the commercials!

This year, the price of a Super Bowl ad has dropped to around $2.5 million from $3 million last year. In addition, some of Super Bowl past’s most iconic brands have dropped out this year. In lieu of advertising Pepsi is focusing on online and social-responsibility efforts and FedEx isn’t advertising for the second year in a row. This means no Justin Timberlake (Pepsi) and no crazy carrier pigeons (FedEx). Dang.

For other brands, like smaller companies or those looking to increase awareness, this is a great opportunity. Just think of all the exposure Cash4Gold received last year thanks to a little help from MC Hammer and Ed McMahon. This year, Emerald Nuts and HomeAway are hoping to generate some buzz among the 100 million viewers.

It got me thinking about what a great opportunity this would be for a smaller company. Of course, some companies don’t have $2.3 million to throw around for a one-time, 30-second ad. So, let’s venture into the world of make believe. If you could give a 30-second spot to any company for this year’s Super Bowl, what company would it be?