You’d think that after spending 40+ hours a week emerged in other companies’ corporate and product branding initiatives, a person would choose to escape and relax on the weekends. But for 3-4 months a year, my weekend activities incorporate my day job, because I represent a branded tailgate party.

A group of Wake Forest alumni who realized we no longer fit in with the student lot crowd at football games, but who weren’t qualified for parking passes in the lot closest to the stadium with the big donors (the Gold Lot), set up camp in the corner of the Blue Lot that almost touches the Gold Lot. Thus, Almost Gold was born.

We secured the domain name and launched our website (and associated logo) in 2007. On fall weekends we post Almost Gold signs to stake out our area, create menu themes based on the team we’re playing, and of course, everything we hang up and eat off of is Old Gold and Black. One of our members even created Wake Forest Drinko, a game based on “The Price is Right” game Plinko, and our very own Deacon Elvis mascot makes special appearances.

The success of Almost Gold is a great case study of branding at work. I would love to attribute the growth of our tailgate to the dedication our founding members have shown to upholding an atmosphere of Demon Deacon pride, but I acknowledge the reality of the situation: having a memorable name that incorporates our physical location as well as one of our school colors has allowed our brand to spread quickly via word of mouth. The name has inspired many visitors, and after they’ve experienced it, most have become faithful attendees.

While there are several other large tailgates at Wake Forest football games, none of them are branded. Have you seen other branded tailgates or related attempts at branding?

By: Sarah Goff