dunkin-donuts ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
And the Brand Salsa Topper for Best Tagline goes to…drum roll please…DUNKIN’ DONUTS!!!!

With the snazzy phrase, “America Runs on Dunkin’,” the company as managed to win the hearts of everyday folks by basing its entire campaign on the concept that Dunkin’ Donuts helps you tackle any task at hand. Below is a little tidbit from a 2008 Ad:

“Mom and dads. Students and senior citizens. Blue collar, white collar, and every collar in between. Dunkin’ Donuts is how everyday people get things done, every day.”

Wow, that’s what I like to call perfected simplicity. Who couldn’t relate to a go-get-em, I can handle anything, bring on the day kind of slogan? For those of you who thought this feel good campaign wasn’t going to last…let this year be a lesson to you. With the newly introduced, “You Kin’ Do IT” tagline, the ads continue to uplift Americans in a time when there is definitely some lifting needed. Hats off to Dunkin’. Enjoy your topper!

Contributed by: Ashley Hollingsworth