A great brand strategy is akin to a broken record: Say one thing over and over. This consistency of message across brand touch points is what sets a brand apart from its competition and captures mindshare. Delivering on that message establishes ownership of a category and drives brand loyalty.

One brand has been unwavering in staking its claim on the idea of high-performance in the automotive world. With a history in airplane engines and motorcylces, this brand introduced the concept of the sports sedan in the U.S. and is currently the leading European car brand in the market.

This brand has been consistent in its message (the ultimate driving machine); its persona (think James Bond); and even its design (imagine a “double kidney” grille). The brand even uses an alphanumeric naming strategy in order to keep all the emphasis on the master brand.

For its commitment to the hallmarks of brand strategy, the brand has been repaid in the form of adoration from thousands of fan and above average sales. Even in the current economy, sales declined only moderately in 2008, and the brand actually expanded market share in premium segment.

And as one final credit to its strategy: You probably already know the brand we’re talking about. And thus, the Brand Salsa Topper for Best Strategy goes to BMW.