Welcome to our initial September edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

Don’t forget, you can stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels – TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Google+.

A Cup Of Sugar And Branding Advice – Two Things You Can Get From Your Neighborhoodbrand-salsa-header

What if I told you that organizations and products across the marketplace could take branding advice from a collection of neighborhoods in Nashville?

In line with a recent trend in demographic identity, the residents are beginning to attach their neighborhood with their own personal brand. In doing so, they have hit a sweet spot in branding, achieving two foundational achievements in building a successful brand. Read More…

Patience Is A (Branding) Virtue3030000-poster-p-1-3030000-first-isnt-always-best-when-patience-pays-off (1)

Simply put, brand development is a practice in patience and the ability to stay the course. When creating a brand, especially during the strategic development phase, the end goal may seem a million miles away.

Along those lines, there may be some bumps in the road on the way to success, which will undoubtedly cause some to begin wondering if and when the strategy should be abandoned. Read More…

How To Build Your Brand Portfolio Using A Flagship Brand Strategy4-cans

Some organizations are making a strategic brand decision to use elements of a flagship brand as “boosters” for its complementary branding.

For many brand portfolios, this strategy is a far-off dream, only available if and when their main brand achieves a level of notoriety and positive brand connotation where it can be enabled to carry over into the space of additional brands. So how can those without a global icon at the helm of the brand ship take advantage of whatever boost may come from its main brand? Read More…

Finding The Connection: How A Brand Name Can Help Tie Your Brand Togetherreview (1)

Congratulations, you’re a parent! Bringing to life a pristine new entity created from scratch, it’s your brand. And like all things birthed into magnificence and destined to prosper, it needs a name.

But when namer’s block kicks in and you are staring at a trash can full of crumpled wads of fizzled ideas, it’s probably because you’re brainstorming too broadly. Read More…

Is your brand not reaching its full potential? Find out how you can fix it by downloading the FREE webinar presentation, “Evaluating Your Brand – Are You Due For a Brand Refresh?”