Welcome to our initial May edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!
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Stick With What You Know: How To Achieve A Successful Brand Extension
When looking to expand a brand’s influence by introducing new products in different product categories, brand extensions can be a risky move.
It’s been said before on this very blog that when it comes to brand decisions, there’s no need to recreate the wheel. Sometimes, the brand extension that makes the most sense, or the one that comes to mind first, is there for a reason – it’s the best choice. Read More…
5 Ways To Begin Your Branding Before You Begin Your Branding
Sometimes, the work done prior to the project is just as important as the work done during. This same idea is in play during the branding process.
Jumping right into a new brand development or a rebrand is akin to jumping in a pool before finding out how deep it is. Those brands who begin their branding journey by following these five steps ensure they’re starting off on the right foot. Read More…
Looking Toward The Branding Future With An Eye On The Past
It’s a common misconception that a “rebrand” automatically means a brand new start – that when a rebrand occurs, the slate must be wiped clean and all subsequent branding elements must possess totally original characteristics.
In fact, the best rebrands take the opposite approach. They take the time beforehand to identify and research what brand aspects of the previous iteration carry the most weight and provide the most benefit, then find ways to incorporate or pay homage to these aspects in the new brand. Read More…