Welcome to one final April edition of the AW in Review, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

Don’t forget, you can stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels – TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Google+.

Don’t Reinvent The Branding Wheel

Innovative. Transcendent. Groundbreaking.reinvent-the-wheel

Many brands would love to be associated with these characteristics, or at least have the words used as descriptions of their brands. But for some, this may not necessarily be a good thing.

As discussed in a recent study from York University in Toronto, finding the right balance of when and how much to update the brand is crucial to brands, especially those who are seen as “sincere” and whose brand perception does not include a propensity for change. Read More…

The Science Of Logo Design: How Much Can A Logo Impact A Brand?

While certain luxury or niche brands may embrace the concept of exclusivity, where does that leave companies and organizations that pride themselves on being open, helpful and friendly?review (1)

The idea of forgoing a logo isn’t realistic, particularly when standing out in a crowded marketplace is a basic requirement for success.

Is it possible to convey both competence and warmth in a logo? Unity and inclusion? Strength and kindness? Read More…

Why We Love Branding (And You Should, Too!)

At Addison Whitney, we’ve always identified with the term “brand fanatics” when it comes to our people.aw in (2)

This makes sense – it’s what we do. We have a passion for creating and building strong brands, and when we’re not doing that, we love to analyze, brainstorm and gather new information about branding.

But why does branding hold a place among our favorites? We asked a few brand fanatics this very question: Why do you love branding? Read More…

Addison Whitney’s quarterly newsletter, Forward, is bursting with branding news and insights – and we love to share what we know! Sign up here.