Welcome to a kick-off to April edition of the AW in Review! This is our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

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The Importance Of Branding On A Community

Institutions in which the branding includes a place name often include this perspective in their branding efforts. Communities are built on commonality, and place-focused brands provide that on 1171547_1280x720a large scale.

The most prominent examples of these are sports franchises, where the name is front and center and which serve as a uniting force for their home bases.

Consideration should exist across the brand portfolio, starting with the name. Although it can seem a minor part of the process, choosing which specific city, state, town or region to use in the brand name can have far-reaching impacts. Read More…

The Masters: A Brand Unlike Any Other

The calendar has turned to April, and (for some of us) spring has arrived. In the sports world, this is the time when all eyes are turned to Augusta, Georgia for the annual rite of spring and one of reviewthe most famous sporting events in the world: the Masters.

In the immortal (and trademarked) words of longtime broadcaster Jim Nance, the tournament is “A tradition unlike any other.” From a branding standpoint, this holds true as well. The Masters’ brand strength is the foundation of much of its notoriety and prestige.

It’s one of the entities that transcends the sports world and is known across the spectrum of golf fans, from the dedicated spectators who spend thousands of dollars and countless hours to witness it live to those who wouldn’t know a birdie from a driver. Read More…

Keeping The “Brand” In “Brand Name”

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”Branded-SMS

Wise words that touch on so many topics, and while it’s unclear whether Aristotle had brand name development and brand strategy on his mind when he uttered this well-known refrain, he definitely struck gold on a key point in a brand’s lifecycle.

Creating a brand name is an integral part of any branding effort, since the end result will become one of the most visible and widely used aspects of a brand. But its place of importance should not lead to a misguided sense of separation in the development process, where the name is created in a vacuum, far removed from the various brand elements that will surround and support it. Read More…

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