Welcome to another edition of “AW in Review“, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

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Would You Like a Minion Tic Tac? The Strategy of Brand and Consumer Product Tie-Ins

This morning, my 2-year-old son asked for his milk in a “Toy Story” cup, after requesting last night that I serve him “Minions” applesauce as he ate dinner on his “Cars” plate.minions-tic-tacs-600

Now, this is either a testament to how demanding toddlers can be, or (and for the purpose of this branding-focused blog, this is the path we’re going to take) a testament to the success brands have when creating ties with everyday products. We’ve all seen the examples – everything from book bags and lunch boxes to toothbrushes and food items can be (and have been) branded in some way.  Even more desirable is when the consumers begin to associate that particular item with that brand, as seen by my son’s descriptions of his requested items. Read More…

 A Colorful Response

color wheel visual branding“What’s your favorite color?” is a common question I get asked as a graphic designer. I usually respond with, “Well, what is the color being applied to?” Colors can make you feel a certain way. For instance, I like soft neutrals when it comes to painting my walls because it makes me feel calm, but bright red for a dress because I feel fun and exciting.” That’s my nerdy design answer to someone who was probably looking for a one-word answer like, “blue.”

But it’s true. In the article, What the Color of Your Logo Says About Your Company, Catherine Clifford states, “different colors are associated with different feelings.” She cites that 93% of purchasing judgments are made on visual perceptions and 84.7% of consumers cite color as their main reason for buying a particular product. Read More…

“Back to the Future” Branding

Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a look back. To look back at the best of what you have been in order to ensure the best that you will be.Philadelphia-76ers-Ben-Franklin-Logo

For brands, this rings especially true when working through a rebrand or a brand refresh. Especially when the brand you have is one of the few “iconic” brands on the market, coming with a built-in nostalgia and fond memories of the branding of yesteryear. However, this version of going back to the future comes with no worries of messing with the space-time continuum – in fact, tapping into a brand’s past can have positive impacts on its future. Read More…

How Your Brand Can Connect with Your Audience

luxury car brandIt’s no secret that one of the goals of a solid consumer brand strategy is to positively influence the brand awareness and connection with its intended customer base. We’ve all made purchasing decisions based on brands, and the best brand strategies have a goal to become one of those brands.

Connecting with your audience goes beyond logos and naming – it taps into creating a brand that has true, identifiable characteristics. People can’t tie their emotional purchasing to colors and words, but they can tie them to things that connect with who they are – or, who they’d like to be. Read More…

 Addison Whitney is a global branding firm with a passion for building strong brands.
To learn more about Addison Whitney, visit our website at AddisonWhitney.com, or contact us here.