Welcome to another edition of “AW in Review“, our roundup of our latest brand salsa and Addison Whitney news and posts!

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The Personalization of Brandng

With the rise of our always-connected, social media-driven culture, consumers are choosing brands not just because of their prices or advertisements, but because those brands contain an aspect 12038573_10153550519214462_5940931108965035816_oof their brand to which the consumer can connect.

Everything from a familiar logo or name can be personalized to highlight an emotional tie-in or, as is the case in this situation, the ability to “social media-ize” their purchase. Read More…

Rebranding Job Titles: An Innovative Approach or a Goofy Gimmick?

rebranding job titles

From a branding perspective, a distinctive job label can be a fun way to make employees and their companies stand out, and give outsiders a snapshot of the organization’s values and sense of identity.

Well, call me the Bearer of Bad News (ha!), but rebranding job titles is probably not the best move for your organization. Why, you ask? Here are a few reasons: Read More…

Short, Sweet and Straight to the Point – Communicating Your Brand Position Quickly and Efficiently

“If you can’t state your position in eight words or less, you don’t have a position” – Seth Godin.pablo

When it comes to defining and communicating your brand’s core mission, you would be wise to follow the words of Mr. Godin – shorter is definitely better. Read More…

Keep it Simple: Timeless Advice for Great Logo Design

Trusted. Reliable. Quality. Attributes that every company in the world would like to have consumers ascribe to their products and services. Or better yet, attributes that could be directly communicated to consumers via the company’s logo.

But is it actually possible for a logo to convince the target audience of those things? Read More…

 Addison Whitney is a global branding firm with a passion for building strong brands.
To learn more about Addison Whitney, visit our website at AddisonWhitney.com, or contact us here.