Welcome to Addison Whitney Capabilities Month!

Throughout the month of March, we will be designating one week where we will be highlighting one of Addison Whitney’s capabilities – visual branding, verbal branding, market research and brand strategy – via brand salsa and our social media channels. Make sure to join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #AWCapabilitiesMonth.

This week, we wrapped up with month with a focus on Market Research, which encompasses the research and data analysis of various aspects of your branding portfolio. In this special edition of the AW Rewind, we will take a look back at the market research-focused brand salsa posts from this week!

What is Market Research?

At Addison Whitney, we’re nerdy about data! Effective research and analysis drives and validates your brand vision and gives you confidence in your brand’s future power.

Our research pros guide you through the process that will build your brand’s value, and our global expertise delivers the insight you need to make strategic, data-driven decisions about your brands. Read more…

How to Catch the Eye of the Consumer – Visual Market Research at Work

How often have you scanned the store shelves looking for a product, and a particular one caught your eye, making you stop, do a double-take or spend a few additional seconds focusing on that one product before moving on?

200464106-001Well, those few seconds and that additional look were not a coincidence – they were largely caused in part because of the work of a market research team, much like the one at Addison Whitney. Among the many roles they fill within the organization, one of them includes research for logo and product design – which yields compelling insight to the visual aspects of a brand.200464106-001

Whether it was the packaging design or the brand’s logo that caused you to stop, the fact is research has ensured that each visual aspect of a brand has been fine-tuned to the consumer’s taste and painstakingly tailored to achieve maximum appeal across the largest base of potential consumers. Read More…

Don’t forget, you can stay up-to-date with everything from Addison Whitney by joining the conversation with us on our social media channels – TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Google+.

Want to get exposed to real projects and attain real-life knowledge and skills vital for success in market research? Click here for information about interning with the Addison Whitney market research team!