Olympic Mittens: A Brand in Demand


When my mom called to tell me she was the proud owner of this season's hottest clothing item, I thought she may have bought some boots with the fur. Lo and behold, she got her hands on some of the red Olympic mittens, an early birthday present from my dad. The latest craze, these branded mittens feature a maple leaf on the palm and Olympic rings on the back. Stitched with the words "Vancouver 2010," this collector's item is now one of her favorite keepsakes. To put it bluntly, she thinks she just reached a whole new level of cool.

Evidently, she is not the only fan of these mittens. According to the Vancouver Sun, retailers have sold every last pair. At less than 10 dollars a pair, over 3.5 million pairs were sold over the five month promotion. The profits from the mittens helped fund the Own the Podium Program which launched in 2005 to prepare Canada to become the top winter sporting nation in the world by 2010. More than just a souvenir, the mittens became a top item to show support for the Games.

Oprah Winfrey promoted the red mittens when she handed out 300 pairs to her talk show audience. After expressing her fondness of the mittens, the Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC) shipped a box to her studio, drawing further attention to the mittens. Who knew they would create such a stir.

The Olympic brand encompasses all of the names, phrases, marks, logos and designs related to the 2010 Winter Games. What better way to promote this major international event then by sporting some stylish red mittens? They're both affordable and practical!

Contributed by:  Ashley Popham

What the buzz, Google?


I woke up this morning to find out something was different with my Gmail. Overnight it seems as if Google and Facebook have fornicated their technological impulses and created the newest love child of the social networking world: Google Buzz. Though Twitter might demand a paternity test from Google, this “buzzing” community is the latest of social networks trying to innovate fast-track communication.

Google Buzz, channeled through Google's popular Gmail service, allows users to micro-blog and upload pictures as well as link to other users and websites. And like one of its predecessors, Twitter, it lets you “follow” other members and blog about, well, whatever you want. However, it definitely has Facebook’s eyes, allowing you to comment on updates directly without all the weird @, #, etc. symbols that I still don’t understand with “tweets”. It also has the highly coveted “like” feature that Facebookers obnoxiously seem to enjoy. (Hmm maybe Google Buzz will get a dislike option that Facebook has yet to cave to – could be interesting.)

However, unlike the launch of other social networks, Google Buzz has already taken the initiative for current Gmail account holders. Before I even heard the buzzing, I apparently was following a couple dozen of my closest Gmail contacts and a handful were following me. I also had a link to the “Buzz” conveniently placed under my Inbox link, equipped with a Simon Says-esque color wheel, just in case I missed it.

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Greek and Roman Eponyms: Cupid’s Modern-Day Naming Trend


With February upon us, nobody is safe from Cupid’s arrow.  Cupid is an important symbol of Valentine’s Day and in Roman mythology, his name stands for the god of love and beauty.  Cupid has remained apparent as a representation of love for many people throughout the world, with online dating services and wedding chapels now named after him.  An eponym is a name derived from a real person or fictional character.  In some cases, the person’s name and the word are exactly the same and the word simply takes on a new meaning.  In other cases the person’s name is slightly changed.  Many modern-day products and companies have utilized eponyms and are now successfully positioned in the marketplace as highly recognized brands.  Several have also incorporated these ideas into their logos.Read more

What's that Smell? Sensory Marketing

Taste and smell are universal languages. We do not need a point of reference, a back-story, or an elaborate marketing campaign to know when something smells or tastes good.

This realization has paved the way for companies to begin using more than simple sights and sounds to reach to target audiences. Sensory marketing is based on the concept that a fully pleasurable experience will reinforce positive associations with a brand.

Check out two companies who are leading the way in the sensory market:

ScentAir helps companies across the globe create customized scents for their products and stores. According to their website, "scent marketing is how businesses are breaking through mundane and overused marketing gimmicks to reach customers emotionally."

Scent Air has created signature scents for retail stores ranging from Sony to Lexus to Bloomingdales, as well as for hotels, realtors, and spas.

Imagine how effective a magazine ad for Hershey's would be if you could actually taste the chocolate. FirstFlavor has recognized this power and enables companies to incorporate taste tests in their print ads and direct mail.

Branding and marketing a tool called Peel 'n Taste®, the FirstFlavor website assures that "the flavor of your product is replicated in quick dissolving edible film strips which are distributed through individually packaged pouches to prospective customers."

Would you try one?
Contributed by: Maghan Cook

The Celebrity Fragrance Phenomenon

The last few years have certainly seen an upsurge of celebrity endorsed perfumes. Similar to last Christmas but even more imminent, the perfume counters this past Christmas season are featuring the latest and greatest releases by Paris Hilton, Faith Hill and Usher. In the early 90s when Elizabeth Taylor’s White Diamonds was released, celebrity fragrances were few and far between. Today, celebrities are using their names as brands and consumers are buying into the idea (literally)! Perfume producers are targeting an existing consumer audience comprised of celebrity fans. Celebrities’ status in society supports this high-end image that consumers strive to impersonate. With the release of numerous new celebrity clothing lines and shoe collections, consumers feel like they can relate to their favorite artists and actors. Now they’re purchasing the toiletries to match. Do the celebrities themselves even have influence on these scents? If so, the question becomes, who do you want to smell like? More importantly, are celebrities really wearing their name brand scents? And if not, why are consumers?

Contributed by:  Ashley Popham

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Bill Lippincott, aka Blisters
Favorite Movie: It’s a Wonderful Life. How can you beat Jimmy Stewart in this black & white classic. A quotable line for all life’s moments.

Favorite Holiday Treat: Bob’s Peppermint Candy Canes. I’m talking about the real deal here, none of that Chinese crap. Hard candy, baby! Break a molar and smile the whole way through.

Favorite Holiday Tradition: Opening the gifts on Christmas morning still tops all, young or old.

How do you trim your tree? I buy it, set it up, and put on the lights. After that manly man’s work, I retire for a cocktail and let my wife handle the decorations.

Favorite Reindeer: I’m not sure, but I wonder if after giving Donner his name, Santa moved him up to the front as not to be so close to his sleigh?

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Ashley Popham, aka Bouncy Bubba Louie
Favorite Holiday Movie: Snoopy Christmas
Favorite Holiday Treat: Fudge
Favorite Holiday Recipe: Christmas Sugar Cookies
Favorite Holiday Tradition: Getting together with my three best friends and having our annual cookie baking and decorating at someone’s house.
Trimming the Tree: I like the old fashioned ornaments, and I like to collect city ornaments from places I’ve traveled to.
Favorite Part of Christmas: Decorating and going back home to Atlanta to visit my friends and family.

Keri Lynch, aka Jolly Angelpants
Favorite Holiday Movie: It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Holiday Treat: Peanut Butter Kiss cookies
Favorite Holiday Tradition: My mom letting us open one present on Christmas Eve, and it was always a new pair of Christmas pajamas.
Trimming the Tree: Lots of tinsle.
Favorite Reindeer: Vixen. Who doesn't like a reindeer who isn't afraid to be a little naughty?

Laine Beyerl, aka Snooky Sparkly-Toes
Favorite Holiday Movie: A Christmas Story. Yes, I do like to watch it at least 6 times during the 24 hour marathon
Favorite Holiday Treat: Pierogies (family Christmas tradition) and Chocolate Fudge. Not at the same time.
Favorite Holiday Tradition: Overeating.
Trimming the Tree: I visit my parents every year and the tree is usually trimmed already with ornaments from over the years.
Favorite Reindeer: Donner--the most overlooked reindeer of all.

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Betsy Lard, aka Bijoux O'Leary
Favorite Holiday Movie? I still laugh out loud at A Christmas Story
Favorite Holiday Treat? Christmas Wassail is a hot, spiced cider; it's my favorite way to warm up in the evenings
Favorite Holiday Tradition? My family has a bonfire each year, where we roast hot dogs, make s'mores and catch up with friends and family
How do you Trim your Tree? We haven't developed any theme yet. We just trim our tree with a mishmash of ornaments passed down from our families
Favorite Reindeer? Blitzen is cool; I think his name originally meant lightning, which you'd need to deliver all those toys in one night.

Beth Anne McPheeters, aka Crumpet
Favorite Holiday Movie? A Christmas Story and Love Actually
Favorite Holiday Treat? Cookie box (it's more of a bucket) from Mom's friend
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Watching Dumb and Dumber on Christmas Eve
How do you Trim your Tree? I don't have a tree -- I'm broke and lazy
Favorite Reindeer? Prancer -- cause he sounds fancy

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Elizabeth McGaha, aka Wacky Bubba-Louie
Favorite Holiday Movie? Nester the Long-Eared Donkey (I cry every time)
Favorite Holiday Treat? Nonfat no-whip peppermint mocha from Starbucks
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Going to see the Capitol Christmas Tree and the National and State trees in D.C.
How do you Trim your Tree? The day after THanksgiving with multi-colored lights and as much glitter and sequins and tackiness as possible
Favorite Reindeer? Blitzen

Meredith Badinelli, aka Sunny Mistletoe
Favorite Holiday Movie? A Christmas Story
Favorite Holiday Treat? Chex Muddy Buddies
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Trimming the tree (and of course, opening presents!)
How do you Trim your Tree? Multi-colored lights and an assortment of ornaments collected over the years
Favorite Reindeer? Comet

Erin Broszkowski, aka Nipper Angel-Pants
Favorite Holiday Movie? Miracle on 34th Street -- I've seen it a million times and still get teary
Favorite Holiday Treat? Peppermint Ice Cream -- my mom and I stalk the freezer section right after Thanksgiving
Favorite Holiday Tradition? Even though my brother and I are in our 20s, we get pajamas every Christmas Eve that we have to sleep in and wear the next morning when we open presents
How do you Trim your Tree? When my mom was a kid she got an ornament every year for the tree. She continued the tradition with my brother and I. Our tree is covered with all of our ornaments past and present.
Favorite Reindeer? Dancer

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Eliza Brenkus, aka Blinky Mistletoe

Favorite Holiday Movie? Santa Claus: The Movie (1985) Not the Tim Allen one

Favorite Holiday Treat? My favorite recipe is an egg casserole. It is great to have ready for all of the guests that are in the house at Christmas. Of course, brie in puff pastry with cranberries and pecans is a great app for the holidays.

Favorite Holiday Tradition? For the past few years, we have gone with my family to St. Thomas for Christmas... it has been AMAZING.

How do you Trim your Tree? We gathered ornaments from all of our travels in Europe and Beyond... Brett and I are very protective of our ornaments, they have their own case. I know lame.

Favorite Reindeer? I am going with Blitzen. It is the holidays, everyone should be a little Blitzen.