Art, design, music and beer. Is there a better combination to kick off summer? I didn’t think so, and that’s just how Addison Whitney’s designers spent the first day of summer last Friday, June 21st.

Organized by our very own designer, Chris Cureton, Sum Art was a celebration of art and Charlotte’s growing creative community. Our designers, along with other local artists, gathered at Birdsong Brewing Co. to showcase original pieces and celebrate the start of summer. It was a fantastic show, and all who attended had a great time! Take a look at what our designers had to say about the experience, and check out the video to learn more about each of their pieces.

In their words:
“Sum Art was a great opportunity to bring art and design to the Charlotte community. By putting the focus on consumer experience, much like the brands we help develop, the show appealed to a much broader audience. It was amazing how an art show became such a fun event for all parties involved.” – Chris Cureton, graphic designer

“Sum Art was the perfect way to kick off summer – enjoying art and beer with friends and fellow artists in the community. There was an array of styles and media which made for a great show. I was thrilled to participate and look forward to more events like this in Charlotte!” – Cathleen Foley, design manager

“What I loved about the Sum Art show is all the variations of one question, what summer meant to us. And, how the personalities of all the artists shined through their work. I was truly honored to be a part of the show this year and hope to participate in coming years as well!” – Nick Irwin, design director

“I had a great time at the show and really enjoyed talking with the other designers/artists. Each and every one of us has unique memories and experiences of summers past and that definitely came out in our work. I was really impressed by the array of work that was shown and found it so interesting to see how seven different people interpreted one word.” – Karlie Winchell, graphic designer