The question whether or not to have a presence on at least one social media platform has become an easy one for brands – without any social media existence, a brand will be left out of one of the fastest-growing and increasingly vital aspect of a branding experience.

But now that it’s rightfully assumed that your brand will be a player in the social space, it’s also rightfully assumed there will be some trepidation. A brand, especially those newly formed or refreshed, is a delicate entity, still finding its way and looking for anything solid and safe to hold onto – and social media can be anything but those two.Social-Media-Optimizaton

One way to reassure those with worries that your brand will begin to spiral out of control the moment that first tweet is sent is to go in with a plan. Treat social media strategically, as you would any other aspect of your brand.

Social media strategies that are well-planned and well-executed can elevate your brand, exposing it to a wide audience at little to no monetary cost. It can spread your brand story in new ways and through new mediums that go beyond traditionally advertising, marketing and/or public relations.

What does a good brand social media strategy entail? Here are five key points to include in your plan to help ease the worries when taking your brand into the social media realm:

Find your brand voice.

The best brands on social media have identified their unique brand personality and voice, and incorporated that into all of their messaging. As you prepare your social media strategy, decide where your brand’s personality lies – are you witty and funny, serious and informative or somewhere in the middle? Once you have personified your brand, consistently follow that personality in your social work.

Establish a quality team.

Social media should not be considered a tertiary responsibility, destined to live on the edges of job descriptions and day-to-day priorities. As the brand is being built and the brand strategy developed, consideration should be given to those who will be tasked with social media management. Whether it’s a single person or a team of people, they are the first line of defense when easing social media worries.

Be aware.

At the end of each year, there are countless brand social media “fail” lists that are inevitably populated by brands that were unaware of their surroundings and showing their obliviousness to the world to disastrous results. Don’t find yourself on one of these lists – ensure that those in charge of your social media outlets know what is happening around them – whether it be current events, unexpected tragedies or sensitive topics – and that they know how to keep your messaging tasteful and on brand.

Stay in touch.

Hopefully, your brand will quickly gain or grow fans and followers, some of whom will want to interact. This can be a tenuous line to walk, as your brand must seem accessible and engaging while also knowing when it’s best to step away. This is likely one of the points that come up in the nightmares of brands as they are beginning in social media, but it is one that can be easily managed and have great benefit.

Don’t forget the visuals.

Social media isn’t just a verbal branding opportunity, but one for your visual brand as well. As it is with most verbal brand aspects, consistency is key – logos should be brand standards-compliant across any platforms where your brand has a presence, in addition to any pictures or videos posted. As it is with visual branding overall, it is often the first impression the audience gets of your brand, and this is especially true in the quick-glance world of social media.

Addison Whitney is a global branding firm with a passion for building strong brands.
To learn more about Addison Whitney, visit our website at, or contact us here.